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Held Item:none


Ability:No Guard

Nickname (If wanted): Magikarp

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jillian

Trainer Gender (If specific): Femal

Trainer ID (If specific): doesn't matter

Secret ID (If specific): doesn't matter

Pokemon Gender (If specific): male

Shiny (Yes or No): no

Egg (Yes or No): no

Nature: serious

Attacks: splash

PP (max or normal): normal

Pokérus Status:No Status

Pokéball Captured In: pokeball (regular)

Battle Stats: 999 in all stats

IV Stats: max

EV Stats: max

Ribbons (If any): none

Location/Date Met: pallet town, December 5, 2012

Level Met At: 4

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): No egg

Happiness: 70

Contest Stats: none

Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): storage box 1, slot 1

For what game (required for AR code): soul silver

Friend Code (required for Trading): Just post the code please :)

Please and thank you!

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I would have generated your Magikarp. but I am new to Pokegen and have not successfully used Pokesav, so i not sure how to get the 999 in all the Battle Stats. Can anyone offer advice?


On Pokesav, their is an option/button that lets you choose what Stats you would like. I believe it is for the D/P/PL Pokesav Version, not sure if it is for the HG/SS Pokesav Version.

If you are going to use the D/P/PL Pokesav Version and are in need of some converting, you can PM me the AR code and I can convert it for you.

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Crown legendary dogs too, if you may.



Held Item:leftovers



Nickname (If wanted):

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):master trainer

Trainer Gender (If specific): male

Trainer ID (If specific):54862

Secret ID (If specific):95432

Pokemon Gender (If specific): male

Shiny (Yes or No):yes

Egg (Yes or No):no


Attacks:xsizer bullet punch iron head draco meteor

PP (max or normal):max

Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status infected

Pokéball Captured In:poke ball

Battle Stats: hp 307 attack 510 defense 480 sp. attack 445 sp. defense495 speed 510

IV Stats:legit max

EV Stats:legit max

Ribbons (If any):none

Location/Date Met:lake of rage/july 1 2010

Level Met At:100

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):no egg

Happiness:maxed out happiness

Contest Stats:maxed

Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):storage box 15 slot 1

For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum for my heart gold

Friend Code (required for Trading):can you make it a short code so i can type it in my ds because my ds wi-fi is messed up or am i out of luck


I'd love to make that code for you, but the trainer name is too long and the SID can't be over 65535. And a thing to note, the stats will revert to normal once you put it into your PC... Scizor can't get all those stats other than HP, I'm estimating, normally. Those are crazy high yo.

I'm thinking the code would have to be for your party... being in the PC normalizes stats, right? So the code's going to have to be long. I took a guess at what changes you'd like... I changed the OT to "master" and the SID to 59432. Tell me if you needed something else.

It's for Plat, L + R, party slot 1. Don't put it in your PC.

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By the way, remember to put requests in spoilers.


thanks it worked but took long and how do i make spoilers but can you make it a bit shorter for my friend because he is a n00b at codes


For spoilers, use these tags: [noparse]

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[/noparse]. Text goes in between them.

Shorter? Hate to say it but the only way that I know to shorten it is to put it in the PC, but I'm pretty sure its stats won't be the same... do you want me to go ahead with that?

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but try to keep the attack high


Right, so I tried to get them as high as possible. You could probably find a code to max some stats out.

Plat, L + R, it'll show up in your PC, box 1, slot 1.

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It's actually maybe 13 lines or so shorter than the one I gave you... but the stats are really off, though.

Maybe you could trade a copy of the Scizor you got to your friend?

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A shiny Celebi for PBR? I've never tried a shiny event on PBR, but you could try this. Since I honestly don't know what PBR checks for, I had to make this an Ageto Celebi, it's the one with an unknown PID generation method... easy to make, eh.

L + R, box 2, slot 1.


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If it doesn't work, my best bet would be to wait for the Movie 13 Celebi to come out (this week?) and use that. I can make a sure-fire good one then, but it won't be shiny...


Hello, I have a request for a few pokemon to be traded to my heartgold game. I don't have an AR so hopefully you could import them to your game then trade them to me? Anway, I'm new to this, so do I offer something in return or is this a free service?

Heres my request (If you notice something that I did wrong could you fix it please as far as realistic stats go? I want it to be as legitimate as possible haha):

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Noooo! :(

Forget the snorlax then. Is there anything that learns belly drum and baton pass?

If you could, please make everything else except the snorlax. I have to leave for a while, but I will probably have a couple more requests later.


okay, nevermind. If anybody was planning on making that team, forget it. I noticed on the other pages people attaching their .pkm files. I'll just upload a team of those and hopefully someone can trade them to me after I make them. Thanks for the info, Feralligates


i have another request

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Sorry, red, but even if I didn't enter anything at all into Sav the code would still be as long as the one I gave you, just a bunch of zeros...

Tried anyway, I made two codes. One is for your party, the other for the PC. They're both for Platinum, L + R.

The party code. This one does have the stats you wanted, exactly. Party slot 1. Eh, also, don't level it up or its stats will subtract a lot.

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And this is for your PC, but it does not have the stats you wanted. Again, the PC regulates stats... actually, the stats are as high as I could get them, in the order of HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spd: 250/184/196/151/217/182. The stats are sort of close to the 200's you wanted, but the attack... is not. But this code is shorter. Box 15, slot 1.

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I know you hate typing these things out by hand (I had to type out 30+ of both Pokemon and .pgt codes before I got my Windows, I hated it, too), but I have no clue how to make them shorter... Show the codes to Riolu Aura Sphere Now and maybe he could work something out.


Traded please

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  red707 said:
so if i lv. it up the stats will go way lower?
  red707 said:
i put the pc code and it gave me a bad egg can you fix it

Yep, the stats will go down... if you used the party code. There's no way an Altaria's getting 510 attack.

And yeah, I'll try and find one that works... it'd be easy if I could trade it to you, since I'll be editing the .sav directly and there's no chance of a bad egg. I don't know if I can make a code that's not a bad egg for this Altaria, it's pretty, uh, hacked up.

And to shad99, do you want that to have the legal limits for EVs, or just 255 in everything?

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