wiggle_mickey27 Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Pokemon:Magikarp Held Item:none Level:100 Ability:No Guard Nickname (If wanted): Magikarp Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jillian Trainer Gender (If specific): Femal Trainer ID (If specific): doesn't matter Secret ID (If specific): doesn't matter Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: serious Attacks: splash PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status:No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball (regular) Battle Stats: 999 in all stats IV Stats: max EV Stats: max Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: pallet town, December 5, 2012 Level Met At: 4 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): No egg Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): storage box 1, slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): soul silver Friend Code (required for Trading): Just post the code please Please and thank you!
Bassman Posted July 3, 2010 Posted July 3, 2010 I would have generated your Magikarp. but I am new to Pokegen and have not successfully used Pokesav, so i not sure how to get the 999 in all the Battle Stats. Can anyone offer advice?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted July 3, 2010 Posted July 3, 2010 On Pokesav, their is an option/button that lets you choose what Stats you would like. I believe it is for the D/P/PL Pokesav Version, not sure if it is for the HG/SS Pokesav Version. If you are going to use the D/P/PL Pokesav Version and are in need of some converting, you can PM me the AR code and I can convert it for you.
The4th1 Posted July 7, 2010 Posted July 7, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Deoxys (Attack Forme) Held Item: Scope Lens Level: 50 Ability: Pressure Nickname (If wanted): N/A Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Oliver Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 56745 Secret ID (If specific): 24346 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Hasty Attacks: Superpower, Giga Impact, Psychic and Aerial Ace PP (max or normal): 3 Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Luxury Battle Stats: Max legit. IV Stats: HP 23, DEF 13, ATK 31, SPD 28, SP. ATK 31, SP. DEF, EV Stats: 255 ATK, 255 SP. ATK Ribbons (If any): N/A Location/Date Met: (Pal Park), 2010, 7, 7 Level Met At: 50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): N/A Happiness: Default Contest Stats: N/A Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Trade For what game (required for AR code): Trade Friend Code (required for Trading): 5156 3650 8832 Crown legendary dogs too, if you may.
red707 Posted July 7, 2010 Posted July 7, 2010 Pokemon:scizor Held Item:leftovers Level:100 Ability:sturdy Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):master trainer Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):54862 Secret ID (If specific):95432 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:adamant Attacks:xsizer bullet punch iron head draco meteor PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status infected Pokéball Captured In:poke ball Battle Stats: hp 307 attack 510 defense 480 sp. attack 445 sp. defense495 speed 510 IV Stats:legit max EV Stats:legit max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:lake of rage/july 1 2010 Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):no egg Happiness:maxed out happiness Contest Stats:maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):storage box 15 slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum for my heart gold Friend Code (required for Trading):can you make it a short code so i can type it in my ds because my ds wi-fi is messed up or am i out of luck
Aarux Posted July 8, 2010 Posted July 8, 2010 I'd love to make that code for you, but the trainer name is too long and the SID can't be over 65535. And a thing to note, the stats will revert to normal once you put it into your PC... Scizor can't get all those stats other than HP, I'm estimating, normally. Those are crazy high yo. I'm thinking the code would have to be for your party... being in the PC normalizes stats, right? So the code's going to have to be long. I took a guess at what changes you'd like... I changed the OT to "master" and the SID to 59432. Tell me if you needed something else. It's for Plat, L + R, party slot 1. Don't put it in your PC. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC E69FD8FD 900A0000 FB091C7E 24D91014 1AE47B31 570BBD8E 048ABB90 67E107DE F619B237 0FFF560E 7712F747 FF7BB4DE E2DBE368 EBBB89F9 C939E6F2 B9404E86 CFDBC276 787F50EE A7C84EC7 86E242CB 787D922C 3437076E 7FDBE952 B18CD018 8605D63C 8C9CD08F 63EF9D37 D624F6C0 BA3847D6 F2D8F924 DC131064 02814590 181EEA2F 919DE759 B3B0F6DA 1BD2383C 868E2C4E 441A1E7F FAFFCBA7 CA745737 886CEA55 BC118D1B 0DC0CBF2 5A9B4E2D D27F5075 9549AC7D 05621709 C8DF05CA 07C250A2 2D1FAE48 1A2AB265 A58083A3 3E282A46 E91DAC43 616339F2 35EF06D1 25F21BEF 033F0DFA DBEA1702 00000000 D2000000 00000000 By the way, remember to put requests in spoilers.
red707 Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 thanks it worked but took long and how do i make spoilers but can you make it a bit shorter for my friend because he is a n00b at codes
Aarux Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 For spoilers, use these tags: [noparse] Reveal hidden contents [/noparse]. Text goes in between them. Shorter? Hate to say it but the only way that I know to shorten it is to put it in the PC, but I'm pretty sure its stats won't be the same... do you want me to go ahead with that?
red707 Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC E69FD8FD 900A0000 FB091C7E 24D91014 1AE47B31 570BBD8E 048ABB90 67E107DE F619B237 0FFF560E 7712F747 FF7BB4DE E2DBE368 EBBB89F9 C939E6F2 B9404E86 CFDBC276 787F50EE A7C84EC7 86E242CB 787D922C 3437076E 7FDBE952 B18CD018 8605D63C 8C9CD08F 63EF9D37 D624F6C0 BA3847D6 F2D8F924 DC131064 02814590 181EEA2F 919DE759 B3B0F6DA 1BD2383C 868E2C4E 441A1E7F FAFFCBA7 CA745737 886CEA55 BC118D1B 0DC0CBF2 5A9B4E2D D27F5075 9549AC7D 05621709 C8DF05CA 07C250A2 2D1FAE48 1A2AB265 A58083A3 3E282A46 E91DAC43 616339F2 35EF06D1 25F21BEF 033F0DFA DBEA1702 00000000 D2000000 00000000 just to test but try to keep the attack high
Aarux Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Right, so I tried to get them as high as possible. You could probably find a code to max some stats out. Plat, L + R, it'll show up in your PC, box 1, slot 1. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E000CF44 00000088 8CBB5AF1 07020000 E016EF65 D31F15DB 90E28C3E 1AB15E8A 6F070E6C C17D66FF 9EECA9BB BA1F6027 569E1CEF C4D0D7C8 DB2B3460 F4921E61 E292CB7F 621427B7 C37B734A 7615E09E 89DC3BB1 722876D3 EBCA1D35 FDF5FDBC BD1BD8FE B749676A C3DB66F4 E6CE44EC CB60387A 341CE5E0 FC7E905F 519AC61B F7233B6B 8E35B341 7E4F40E4 A9604FD8 D2000000 00000000 It's actually maybe 13 lines or so shorter than the one I gave you... but the stats are really off, though. Maybe you could trade a copy of the Scizor you got to your friend?
Spilman8 Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Reveal hidden contents this is for pbr wifi Pokemon:Celebi Held Item:Leftovers Level:100 Ability: Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Forest Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):legal Secret ID (If specific):legal Pokemon Gender (If specific):- Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:lax Attacks:Psychic,Leaf Storm.Silver Wind, Calm mind PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: No status Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball Battle Stats:as long as it's legal IV Stats:as long as it's legal EV Stats:255 sp.attack,255 speed Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:as long as it's legal Level Met At:as long as it's legal Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:255 Contest Stats:none Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Storage box 2 slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P Friend Code (required for Trading):
Aarux Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 A shiny Celebi for PBR? I've never tried a shiny event on PBR, but you could try this. Since I honestly don't know what PBR checks for, I had to make this an Ageto Celebi, it's the one with an unknown PID generation method... easy to make, eh. L + R, box 2, slot 1. Diamond. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000D360 00000088 D037A9A2 BE3E0000 BB931CC7 A992BB62 BB647EFB 6A32C40B 193571EE 44EF4B8E 78E7BE72 628A8B1A 221D4B6D 39C9A0D8 F61E99EA DB9FD28E 15BE686B 372E8075 3B08DF69 058A7579 8C1E3E8B EF3563AC 2CF46BB3 75672626 5700EBD8 0A9EA1DB 2F155DCE 62D8DE19 7C3EF6C4 E2228DCB A305EE49 F7829251 72C251CE BBC95AB8 BD3F0C13 9C8D2A69 D2000000 00000000 Pearl. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000D360 00000088 D037A9A2 BE3E0000 BB931CC7 A992BB62 BB647EFB 6A32C40B 193571EE 44EF4B8E 78E7BE72 628A8B1A 221D4B6D 39C9A0D8 F61E99EA DB9FD28E 15BE686B 372E8075 3B08DF69 058A7579 8C1E3E8B EF3563AC 2CF46BB3 75672626 5700EBD8 0A9EA1DB 2F155DCE 62D8DE19 7C3EF6C4 E2228DCB A305EE49 F7829251 72C251CE BBC95AB8 BD3F0C13 9C8D2A69 D2000000 00000000 If it doesn't work, my best bet would be to wait for the Movie 13 Celebi to come out (this week?) and use that. I can make a sure-fire good one then, but it won't be shiny...
red707 Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 maybe i can try to copy it but he said he will do it himself
stupido Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Hello, I have a request for a few pokemon to be traded to my heartgold game. I don't have an AR so hopefully you could import them to your game then trade them to me? Anway, I'm new to this, so do I offer something in return or is this a free service? Heres my request (If you notice something that I did wrong could you fix it please as far as realistic stats go? I want it to be as legitimate as possible haha): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Snorlax Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Thick Fat Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Matthew Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 25397 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: Bold Attacks: Belly Drum, Amnesia, Rest, Baton Pass PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In: great ball Battle Stats: can you just make them realistic for my nature and EV spread? IV Stats: 31 HP, 4 Atk, 24 Def, 12 SpA, 28 SpD, 2 Spe EV Stats: 252 HP, 120 Def, 136 SpD Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: route 205 honey tree, 6/17/2008 Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 4469 3525 5840 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Regigigas Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Slow Start Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Matthew Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 25397 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): genderless Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: Ice Punch, Thunder Wave, Return, Drain Punch PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In: Ultra Ball Battle Stats: can you just make them realistic for my nature and EV spread? IV Stats: 15 HP, 19 Atk, 24 Def, 2 SpA, 14 SpD, 26 Spe EV Stats: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: SnowPoint Temple 1/26/09 Level Met At: 70 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 4469 3525 5840 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Scizor Held Item: Metal Coat Level: 100 Ability: Technician Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Matthew Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 25397 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, Roost, Bug Bite PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In: great ball Battle Stats: can you just make them realistic for my nature and EV spread? IV Stats: 15 HP, 24 Atk, 13 Def, 12 SpA, 7 SpD, 17 Spe EV Stats: 252 HP, 120 Def, 136 SpD Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: route 229 6/24/2008 Level Met At: 52 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 4469 3525 5840 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Blissey Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Serene Grace Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Matthew Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 25397 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): female Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: Calm Mind, Softboiled, Ice Beam, Thunder PP(max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In: great ball Battle Stats: can you just make them realistic for my nature and EV spread? IV Stats: 28 HP, 4 Atk, 24 Def, 17 SpA, 14 SpD, 3 Spe EV Stats: 252 def, 84 SpA, 172 SpD Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Trophy Garden, 5/2/2008 Level Met At: 16 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 4469 3525 5840
stupido Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Noooo! Forget the snorlax then. Is there anything that learns belly drum and baton pass? If you could, please make everything else except the snorlax. I have to leave for a while, but I will probably have a couple more requests later.
stupido Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 okay, nevermind. If anybody was planning on making that team, forget it. I noticed on the other pages people attaching their .pkm files. I'll just upload a team of those and hopefully someone can trade them to me after I make them. Thanks for the info, Feralligates
red707 Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 i have another request Reveal hidden contents Pokemon:altaria Held Item:none Level:70 Ability:multiple type thing the one that arceus has Nickname (If wanted):none Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):master Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):26434 Secret ID (If specific):46812 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:adamant Attacks:draco meteor dragon pulse ice beam and blast burn PP (max or normal):normal Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status no status Pokéball Captured In:poke ball Battle Stats:510 attack and the rest is 200 IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):no ribbons Location/Date Met:route 32 july 4 Level Met At:5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):none Happiness:no happiness Contest Stats:1/2 stats Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):box 15 slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum:my hg or plat Friend Code (required for Trading):make it a code i chose the stated this way so it wont be so long make its 21 lines max if it goes over then take away something not much important not the stats unless it is necessary make the sp. ones about 150 please:)
Aarux Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Sorry, red, but even if I didn't enter anything at all into Sav the code would still be as long as the one I gave you, just a bunch of zeros... Tried anyway, I made two codes. One is for your party, the other for the PC. They're both for Platinum, L + R. The party code. This one does have the stats you wanted, exactly. Party slot 1. Eh, also, don't level it up or its stats will subtract a lot. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC E69FD8FD CD650000 E971C1B8 4F32B59B EB2DABBC 16129F4A C2EE7817 C48FCA40 3D45EEDF C058CAC6 4320F819 9135764A C652697B F704C767 98728D41 3050DB86 1150D8E1 ECC33053 8EB77241 C3984737 13C7C0C8 8CFB515E E7BB540B 297CF6C8 7F9DB123 FD99BCFD 824E8E64 A59C1153 B323D5AD 68397921 82D899E0 B07AD372 779BC235 9CC0444A B3B0F6DA 1A29381E 868E2D69 452C1F57 FBD8CAD2 CA745737 886CEA55 BC118D1B 0DC0CBF2 5A9B4E2D D27F5075 9549AC7D 05621709 C8DF05CA 07C250A2 2D1FAE48 1A2AB265 A58083A3 3E282A46 E91DAC43 616339F2 35EF06D1 25F21BEF 033F0DFA DBEA1702 00000000 D2000000 00000000 And this is for your PC, but it does not have the stats you wanted. Again, the PC regulates stats... actually, the stats are as high as I could get them, in the order of HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spd: 250/184/196/151/217/182. The stats are sort of close to the 200's you wanted, but the attack... is not. But this code is shorter. Box 15, slot 1. Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E001AE64 00000088 306CE1F7 CD650000 E971C1B8 4F32B59B EB2DABBC 16129F4A C2EE7817 C48FCA40 3D45EEDF C058CAC6 4320F819 9135764A C652697B F704C767 98728D41 3050DB86 1150D8E1 ECC33053 8EC4723B C3EB475E 13A2C0BD 8CFBAF8A EDBB540B 2E7C0D30 7B9DBA99 FD9DBEF8 823D8E1E A5EF113A B346D5D8 683987F5 88D899E0 B77A288A 739BC98F 9CC4464F D2000000 00000000 I know you hate typing these things out by hand (I had to type out 30+ of both Pokemon and .pgt codes before I got my Windows, I hated it, too), but I have no clue how to make them shorter... Show the codes to Riolu Aura Sphere Now and maybe he could work something out.
red707 Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 i put the pc code and it gave me a bad egg can you fix it
shad99 Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 Traded please Reveal hidden contents Pokemon:Arceus Held Item:lucky egg Level:100 Ability:wonder guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Ash/35267 Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:serious Attacks:judgement, spacial rend, aura sphere, dark void PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: poke ball Battle Stats: max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):classic ribbon Location/Date Met:spear pillar/march 4 2010 Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:max Contest Stats:max Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): Friend Code (required for Trading): 3094 9355 3354
Aarux Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 red707 said: so if i lv. it up the stats will go way lower? red707 said: i put the pc code and it gave me a bad egg can you fix it Yep, the stats will go down... if you used the party code. There's no way an Altaria's getting 510 attack. And yeah, I'll try and find one that works... it'd be easy if I could trade it to you, since I'll be editing the .sav directly and there's no chance of a bad egg. I don't know if I can make a code that's not a bad egg for this Altaria, it's pretty, uh, hacked up. And to shad99, do you want that to have the legal limits for EVs, or just 255 in everything?
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