randomspot555 Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 UnderXRay's old original post can be found here Some ground rules: This is the proper format, use this at all times: Request Form: [noparse] Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Held Item: Level: Ability: Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Attacks: PP (max or normal): Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: EV Stats: Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): [/noparse] Other RULES This thread is generally for individual Pokemon/team requests. You can request either the PKM files, an AR code to be made for you, or for someone to Wi-Fi trade them to you. If you need an AR code for some cheat in the game or a Wondercard event and so on, SEARCH FIRST. Then if you still need it, post in the RAM Editing forum. Stay on topic. After you make your request and the request maker confirms it ready, please take any further communication to PMs or any method other than posting "hey im on wifi" "i dont see you" "oh wrong friend code lolzers" etc... IRC, PMs, off-site, etc... are all fine for this, and it's better because it's real-time communication (well, except PMs). Finally, be patient. There are only so many people fulfilling requests. If in doubt, PM me or any of the forum specific mods before posting.
chaos_scrap Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: gyarados Held Item: leftovers Level:100 Ability: intimidate Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: dragon dance / taunt / waterfall / bounce PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: maxed IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 156 HP / 72 atk / 96 def / 184 spe Ribbons (If any): effort / sinnoh champ Location/Date Met: day care couple - jan 1 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): hatched at route 201 Happiness: 255 Friend Code (required for Trading): 2664 8015 2954 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: breloom Held Item: toxic orb Level: 100 Ability: poison heal Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): random Pokemon Gender (If specific):male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: spore, focus punch, seed bomb, substitute PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 in all EV Stats: 48 hp 252 atk 208 spe Ribbons (If any): effort, sinnoh champ Location/Date Met: day care couple - jan 1 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): jan 1 2010, hatched on route 201 Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Friend Code (required for Trading): 2664 8015 2954 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: electivire Held Item: expert belt Level: 100 Ability: motor drive Nickname (If wanted): Live-Wire Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):34988 Secret ID (If specific): random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: mild Attacks: thunderbolt, hidden power ice, cross chop, flamethrower PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 in hp, spatk spdef and spe / 30 in atk and def EV Stats: 36 atk / 252 spatk / 220 spe Ribbons (If any): effort ribbon, sinnoh champ Location/Date Met: day care couple jan 1 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): jan 1 2010 / route 201 Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: heatran Held Item: shuca berry Level: 100 Ability: flash fire Nickname (If wanted): Microwave Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: naive Attacks: stealth rock, explosion, earth power, fire blast PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 in all EV Stats: 6 hp/ 252 spatk/ 252 speed Ribbons (If any): effort ribbon, sinnoh champ Location/Date Met: stark mountain october 31 2009 Level Met At: 50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: skarmory Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: keen eye Nickname (If wanted): Iron Hawk Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: brave bird, roost, whirlwind, spikes, whirlwind PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 hp/ 64 atk/ 176 def/ 16 spe Ribbons (If any): effort, sinnoh champ Location/Date Met: day care couple; july 4 2009 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 206 Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Friend Code (required for Trading): 2664 8015 2954 is my friend code and i need this by trade Edited January 3, 2010 by chaos_scrap crap i hate copying e.e
Ernest Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 (edited) Im going to need this pokemon traded and thanks in advance! Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Marowak Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Rock Head Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Sirk Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 37682 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Adamant Attacks: Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Swords Dance PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: HP/27, Attack/31, Defense/29, Special Attack/12, Special Defense/27, Speed/26 EV Stats: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Pal Park/Met December 1st, 2008 Level Met At: 50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3223-4581-7372 Edited January 3, 2010 by Ernest
UnderXRay Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 new thread huh? oh well, i have your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
Stormblast Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 (edited) I have quite a big request. Take as much time as you need Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: dusknoir Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: pressure Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: substitue, focus punch. sucker punch, fire punch PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 252 Atk / def 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: regigigas Held Item: none Level: 100 Ability: slow start Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: EQ, superpwer, ice punch, zen headbutt PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 252 Atk / speed 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: snowpoint temple - september 12 2009 Level Met At: 1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: shiftry Held Item: life orb Level: 100 Ability: Chlorophyll Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: timid Attacks: nasty plot, energy ball, dark pulse, Extrasensory PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 speed / 252 SPtk / hp 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: umbreon Held Item: chople berry Level: 100 Ability: synchronize Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: careful Attacks: mean look, baton pass, wish, protect PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 92 SpD / 164 Spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: skarmory Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: keen eye Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: brave bird, roost, spikes, whirlwind PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 176 Def / 16 Spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Edited January 4, 2010 by Stormblast
pokemonmaster_146 Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon:salamence Held Item:muscle band Level:70 Ability:intimidate Nickname (If wanted):draco Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):EDDIE Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):52759 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adamant Attacks:dragon claw, earthquake, fire fang, zen headbutt PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured Inokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats:31 atk and speed, 25 the rest EV Stats:252 atk 252 spd Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):anywhere legal in sinnoh Happiness: Contest Stats: Friend Code (required for Trading):455481310259
Shining Mew2 Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 Umm I have this pcd file could you turn it into a pokemon please oh and make sure date met is dec 24 09 it's the korean movie arceus please pm me when done you have my fc nok'arceus.pcdFetching info...
fay5494 Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 hey ray got some cool NU's to sav ^^ Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: shedinja Held Item: focus sash Level: 100 Ability: wonder guard Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific):Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Lonely Attacks: swords dance, x scissor, shadow sneak, sunny day PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 attack/ 252 speed/ Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 2450-5376-0849 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Shuckle Held Item: lum berry Level: 100 Ability: gluttony Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific):Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Impish Attacks: power trick, rock polish, rest, stone edge PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 hp/ 208 def/ 48 sp. def Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: trade Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Muk Held Item:black sludge Level:100 Ability: sticky hold Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: careful Attacks: curse, poison jab, ice punch, rest PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 hp/ 80 def/ 176 sp. def Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Mr. Mime Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: sound proof Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: calm Attacks: barrier, calm mind, baton pass, psychic PP (max or normal): Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 hp/ 40 sp. def/ 216 speed Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: ampharos Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: static Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Modest Attacks: thunderbolt, hidden power Ice, power gem, signal beam PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: Hidden power ice EV Stats: 70 hp/ 140 def/ 200 sp. attack/ 100 sp. def Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: ampharos Held Item light clay Level: 100 Ability: static Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): Nature: calm Attacks: thunderbolt, hidden power ice, reflect, light screen PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: hidden power ice EV Stats 252 hp/ 140 def/ 118 sp. def Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):
Fireath Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 (edited) I'm kinda annoyed with all the Uber Pokemon I see online so I'm wanting a couple that look legit enough for PBR to allow them on Random Online. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Darkrai Held Item: Choice Scarf Level: 100 Ability: Bad Dreams Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): N/A Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Timid Attacks: Dark Void, Thunder, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse PP (max or normal): Maxed Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball, unless Cherish Ball is required Battle Stats: IV Stats: All 31 EV Stats: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Happiness: 255 Contest Stats: 0 Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 2nd member of the party For what game (required for AR code): Diamond Is the above good enough? What I need is the AR code for this. Edited January 5, 2010 by Fireath Did not state that I'd need the AR code
deezenuts Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 12 Pokemon 1 Rar PM Me DittoShitload.rarFetching info...
Bukurago Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Okay, I've tried to make these myself but they just don't work. Could you make them perfectly legal and certain to work on PBR wi-fi? If so that would be wonderful. Thanks! Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Ambipom Held Item: Focus Sash Level: 50 Ability: Technician Nickname (If wanted): Kenii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): Yes - Egg Moves Nature: Hasty Attacks: Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Water Pulse and Swift PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/31/31/31/31 EV Stats: 6/0/0/252/0/252 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Cloyster Held Item: Leftovers Level: 50 Ability: Battle/Shell Armour Nickname (If wanted): Kinkii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Impish Attacks: Protect, Explosion, Ice Shard, Toxic PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/31/31/3/31/31 EV Stats: 252/6/252/0/0/0 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Machamp Held Item: Sitrus Berry Level: 50 Ability: No Guard Nickname (If wanted): Karrii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): Yes - Egg Moves Nature: Adamant Attacks: Encore, Light Screen, Dynmanic Punch, Stone Edge PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/31/31/Any/31/31 EV Stats: 252/252/6/0/0/0 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Shiftry Held Item: Liechi Bery Level: 50 Ability: Chlorophyll Nickname (If wanted): Shiftii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Jolly Attacks: Taunt, Endure, Seed Bomb, Sucker Punch PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/31/31/Any/31/31 EV Stats: 6/252/0/0/0/252 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Milotic Held Item: Choice Specs Level: 50 Ability: Marvel Scale Nickname (If wanted): Ranchii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Timid Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hidden Power, Dragon Pulse PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/31/31/31/30/31 EV Stats: 6/0/0/252/0/252 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed, Max Beauty however. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Ninetales Held Item: Life Orb Level: 50 Ability: Flash Fire Nickname (If wanted): Foxxii Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Seany Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 12784 Secret ID (If specific): 41148 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): Yes - Egg Moves Nature: Timid Attacks: Protect, Nasty Plot, Heat Wave, Hypnosis PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokéball Battle Stats: Max IV Stats: 31/Any/31/31/31/31 EV Stats: 6/0/0/252/0/252 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Day-Care-Couple Level Met At: 0 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Solaceon Town 01/Dec/2009 Happiness: Max Pokéthlon Stats: Not needed. For what game (required for AR code): Pearl Friend Code (required for Trading): Upload PKM files if possible please. If you could make these for me I would love you forever and ever and ever. EDIT: Added spoilers, sorry I didn't know how to do it before. Also, if you could upload the PKM files, and give the code for the team, that would be perfect, thanks.
fay5494 Posted January 7, 2010 Posted January 7, 2010 hey ray this is my UU team but im just docking on here for now ill try to get someone else to sav it cuz i already have an NU team for saving Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: sceptile Held Item: choice specs Level100 Ability:overgrow Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Mitch Trainer Gender (If specificMale Trainer ID (If specific):18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Timid Attacks: leaf storm, energy ball, focus blast, hidden power ice PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: hidden power ice EV Stats: 252 sp. attack/ 252 speed/ 4 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: trade Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: porygon z Held Item: upgrade Level: 100 Ability: adaptability Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Timid Attacks: tri-attack, ice beam, thunderbolt, hidden power fighting PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: hidden power fighting EV Stats: 252 sp. attack/ 252 speed/ 4 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: trade Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): pokemon center 1/5/10 Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: torterra Held Item: lum berry Level: 100 Ability: overgrow Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific):18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: adamant Attacks: rock polish, stone edge, earthquake, wood hammer PP (max or normal): Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 attack/ 252 speed/ 4 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: toxicroak Held Item: life orb Level: 100 Ability: dry skin Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 18476 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Adamant Attacks: sucker punch, ice punch, substitute, focus punch PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 attack/ 252 speed/ 4 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Uxie Held Item: light clay Level: 100 Ability: levitate Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific): 18476 Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Impish Attacks: rain dance, light screen, reflect, stealth rock PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: ultra ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: all 31 EV Stats: 252 hp/ 180 def/ 76 speed Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): trade Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Moltres Held Item: Life orb Level: 100 Ability: pressure Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Mitch Trainer Gender (If specific):18476 Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): Egg (Yes or No): Nature: Timid Attacks: overheat, hidden power grass, air slash, agility PP (max or normal): Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: hidden power grass EV Stats: 252 attack/ 4hp/ 252 speed Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: trade Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):
Rafi_boi_101 Posted January 7, 2010 Posted January 7, 2010 (edited) Can someone make and trade them to me please? Would really help cuz i dont seem to have sav. So cant really make it. If you can then thanks and pm me when there ready so we can make a time to trade. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon:Crobat Held Item:leftovers Level:100 Ability:inner focus Nickname (If wanted): Dracula Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Joel Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific):32474 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific):female Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:jolly Attacks: brave bird, taunt, roost, u turn PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:31 speed, 27 atk, 25 hp EV Stats:104 hp,152 atk,252 speed Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:current date/ Mt Coronet Level Met At:30 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:max Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):2493 0376 4259 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Dusknoir Held Item:leftovers Level:100 Ability:Pressure Nickname (If wanted):BOO! Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Joel Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):32474 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific):male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:relaxed Attacks: Will-O-Wisp, trick room, shadow punch, pain split PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:31 hp 30 def EV Stats:252 hp, 252 def, 4 sp def Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:egg anywhere Level Met At:egg Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):anywhere Happiness:max Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):2493 0376 4259 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Charizard Held Item: Salac berry Level:100 Ability:blaze Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Joel Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):32474 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific):male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:jolly Attacks:belly drum, substitute, fire punch, Thunderpunch PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:31 speed, 30 hp EV Stats:252 atk, 252 speed, 4 def Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:kanto Level Met At:5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):no egg Happiness:max Contest Stats:none Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading):2493 0376 4259 EDIT:Added this extra one Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Starmie Held Item:lefotvers Level:100 Ability:Natural cure Nickname (If wanted): StarSwagga Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Joel Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):32474 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific):female Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:timid Attacks:rapid spin, surf, thunderbolt, recover PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In:Premier ball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:31 speed, 20 def, 21 sp def, 27 hp EV Stats:136hp, 156 def, 216 speed Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:canalave city Level Met At:42 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:max Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): Friend Code (required for Trading):2493 0376 4259 Edited January 12, 2010 by Rafi_boi_101
Pkmn Trainer Blue Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 (edited) Scratch that request. I managed to get pokesav to work Edited January 10, 2010 by Pkmn Trainer Blue Retired request.
krylon27 Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 can someone please make this i caught one on gold version and cant migrate Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Beedrill Held Item: poison barb Level: 28 Ability: swarm Nickname (If wanted):BEEDRILL Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): JAKE Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 06507 Secret ID (If specific): i dont know Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: twin needle focus energy harden rage PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: hp 77 attack 56 defense 36 sp attack 38 sp defense 58 speed 55 IV Stats: the legit max EV Stats: the legit max Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: johto february 27 2009 Level Met At: 17 Happiness: max Contest Stats: max Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): party slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): Diamond if code is short Friend Code (required for Trading): 3651 7744 3310 if code is long make code for pokemon diamond
Stormblast Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon:sudowoodo Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: rock head Nickname (If wanted): none Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: stone edge, EQ wood hammer, explosion PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): september 26 2009. solaceon town Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409
randomcouchpotato Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 (edited) Tylerok said: I have quite a big request. Take as much time as you need Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: dusknoir Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: pressure Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: substitue, focus punch. sucker punch, fire punch PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 252 Atk / def 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: regigigas Held Item: none Level: 100 Ability: slow start Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: EQ, superpwer, ice punch, zen headbutt PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 252 Atk / speed 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: snowpoint temple - september 12 2009 Level Met At: 1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: shiftry Held Item: life orb Level: 100 Ability: Chlorophyll Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: timid Attacks: nasty plot, energy ball, dark pulse, Extrasensory PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 speed / 252 SPtk / hp 4 Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: umbreon Held Item: chople berry Level: 100 Ability: synchronize Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: careful Attacks: mean look, baton pass, wish, protect PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 92 SpD / 164 Spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: skarmory Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: keen eye Nickname (If wanted): no nickname please Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Tyler Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 40815 Secret ID (If specific): not sure Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: brave bird, roost, spikes, whirlwind PP (max or normal): either or Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: no status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 176 Def / 16 Spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): march 21 2008. solaceon town Happiness: doest matter Contest Stats: doesnt matter Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 1(?) For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180-3722-1409 i got your request ready EDIT: i got your sudowoodo done now Edited January 10, 2010 by randomcouchpotato
hunt Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 I'm having trouble setting up the .pkm file for this krabby myself so I'm looking for some help. Basically, I want this Krabby on my diamond. However, I want him to have the HG/SS only egg move Agility. I'm not sure how I set up the whole Location met, location hatched bit if he's to look like he was created in Johto (soul silver), but was then traded to Diamond. Bare in mind that I plan to then trade him back to Soul Silver when I get it so he'll need the Hex Values I think if he is to pass Nintendo's hack checker in the VS. Recorder... hopefully you understand all that haha. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Krabby Held Item: Life Orb Level: 20 Ability: Hyper Cutter Nickname (If wanted): Kookie Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Hunt Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 33348 Secret ID (If specific): 55316 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Adamant Attacks: Agility, Vice Grip, Mud Shot, Bubblebeam PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 29/30/26/26/9/31 (HP/ATT/DEF/SP.D/SP.A/SPEED) EV Stats: 52/252/200 (HP/ATTACK/SPEED) Ribbons (If any): - Location/Date Met: Day-Care Couple (Johto)? Distantland? Faraway Place? /28 december 2009 Level Met At: Not sure if this would be the level he was traded across or '0' like eggs should be? Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Goldenrod? Distantland? Farawayplace?/ 28 December 2009 Happiness: - Contest Stats: - For what game (required for AR code): D/P- but I'd like the .pkm file please! Friend Code (required for Trading): - Thankyou very much for who ever takes this because I haven't made it sound simple I know... thank you.
Daemon Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 (edited) i am new and don't know how to use spoilers. can you use it to put them in box 16 for me please? Reveal hidden contents Blastoise Held item: suite key Ability: Multi type Trainer id: random Contest completed: all Level: 100 Ribbons: all happiness: 100 Moves: comet punch, dark void, heal order, guillotine effort values: all 999 PP left: 99 contest stats: all 225 PP Ups: 3 name: Blastoise No nickname OT: Ash met at spear pillar Caught with dive ball Reveal hidden contents Salamance Held item: Azure Flute OT: random met at spear pillar Trainer ID: random Ball caught with: Luxury ball Effort Values: 999 all Ability: Frisk Contest stats: all 225 Moves: Blast Burn,Bug Bite, Doom Desire, Sacred Fire Original name Contests completed: all Ribbons: all PP Left: 99 all PP ups: 3 Thanks guys. sorry i don't know how to use spoiler. i need the ar code please! Edited January 10, 2010 by damio Added Spoilers. The first post tells you how.
Guest Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 hunt said: I'm having trouble setting up the .pkm file for this krabby myself so I'm looking for some help. Basically, I want this Krabby on my diamond. However, I want him to have the HG/SS only egg move Agility. I'm not sure how I set up the whole Location met, location hatched bit if he's to look like he was created in Johto (soul silver), but was then traded to Diamond. Bare in mind that I plan to then trade him back to Soul Silver when I get it so he'll need the Hex Values I think if he is to pass Nintendo's hack checker in the VS. Recorder... hopefully you understand all that haha. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Krabby Held Item: Life Orb Level: 20 Ability: Hyper Cutter Nickname (If wanted): Kookie Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Hunt Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 33348 Secret ID (If specific): 55316 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): Yes Nature: Adamant Attacks: Agility, Vice Grip, Mud Shot, Bubblebeam PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 29/30/26/26/9/31 (HP/ATT/DEF/SP.D/SP.A/SPEED) EV Stats: 52/252/200 (HP/ATTACK/SPEED) Ribbons (If any): - Location/Date Met: Day-Care Couple (Johto)? Distantland? Faraway Place? /28 december 2009 Level Met At: Not sure if this would be the level he was traded across or '0' like eggs should be? Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Goldenrod? Distantland? Farawayplace?/ 28 December 2009 Happiness: - Contest Stats: - For what game (required for AR code): D/P- but I'd like the .pkm file please! Friend Code (required for Trading): - Thankyou very much for who ever takes this because I haven't made it sound simple I know... thank you. I made this Krabby. It should be what you want. I'm not sure if this would pass as legal, though. I did use the IV/PID to get a PID matching with the IV's. The PID has Adamant nature and is Type 1, wich means Hyper Cutter is legal in that case. Since legal.exe doesn't recognize if an hatched Pokémon is hacked, I cannot know for sure. I used the TrashBytes guide on the forums to get the right values for 44h, 45h, 46h, 47h, 85h and 86h.
pokeamvstudio Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 Hey! Sorry if this is off topic (im sure it isnt) But is there an action replay code for heartgold so you can see your own secret id?
randomspot555 Posted January 11, 2010 Author Posted January 11, 2010 pokeamvstudio said: Hey! Sorry if this is off topic (im sure it isnt) But is there an action replay code for heartgold so you can see your own secret id? Search. Don't post in the forum where it's off-topic discussion.
Bukurago Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 How are you doing? Are you a bit swamped with all the requests?
Darth Heretic Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Just wondering if someone could make me this pokemon? i have 4 that i would like (their all on their own topic) but this is the one i really want. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Spritomb Held Item: Master Ball Level: 100 Ability: Wonder Guard Nickname (If wanted): None Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): whatever Trainer Gender (If specific): whatever Trainer ID (If specific): Whatever Secret ID (If specific):Whatever Pokemon Gender (If specific): Whatever Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Whatever Attacks: Whatever PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status No status Pokéball Captured In: Whatever Battle Stats: Max Attack/Special Attack Lower D/Sp D IV Stats:Whatever EV Stats:Whatever Ribbons (If any):None Location/Date Met:Whatever Level Met At: Whatever Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Whatever Happiness: Sure Contest Stats: Whatever Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum D Friend Code (required for Trading): Thank you so much. Im so happy that their are people out there who do this for the other computer illiterate people out there!
Beans Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Hiya, I can't seem to get my R4DS to work right (I think there are parts missing, there's no way I can attach the cartridge to the provided adapter), and I have a fairly simple request. Quick request: Perfect IV ditto with "international" OT. Any language origin is fine except English. I just want to use it as a parent for shiny breeding. Full request: Reveal hidden contents Pokemon Species: Ditto Held Item: don't care Level: 100 is preferred so it doesn't level up in daycare, but it doesn't matter Ability: don't care Nickname (If wanted): preferably set the Nature as its ID Trainer ID (If specific): don't care Secret ID (If specific): don't care Shiny (Yes or No): don't care Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: don't care Pokérus Status: don't care Pokéball Captured In: don't care EV Stats: 0 is fine IV Stats: Perfect, all 31s Ribbons (If any): don't care Location/Date Met: don't care, preferably sometime between 2007 and 2010 so it isn't obvious Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): NA Friend Code (If Trading): 0430.4760.5686 I also have a quick question: Is it possible to determine someone's Secret ID with a non-shiny pokemon with Pokesav? I have to use my friend's game for shiny breeding with RNG abuse because I haven't seen a shiny in my own Diamond. So if it's possible, I'd like to request help with that too. Anyway, I am a patient person so you don't need to rush, but I would like it as soon as possible so I can get to breeding pretty and powerful pokemon! Nevermind, I found a friend who has the physical components needed and I figured out how to work Pokesav so I made the ditto myself, I'll just need to send the .sav file to him so he can put it on his DS and then we trade via wifi. Phew. Thanks anyway though. Edited January 13, 2010 by Beans
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