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[Legality Bug] Alolan Raichu


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Found various legality bugs for alolan Raichu(sumo and usum origins) in gen 8 which checks out fine in gen 7 format. Mainly, Beast ball, Dream ball and apriballs which checks out fine with normal Raichu, Pichu and Pikachu. Shouldn't it be as legal as the others in its evolution line since you only need to use a thunder stone in alola to evolve one? Relearn moves are also being flagged. I'm getting these from various samples: 2 alolan raichus I've gotten off the GTS and from directly injecting pk7 and pk8 alolan raichus from both 



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1 hour ago, Nero420 said:

Mainly, Beast ball, Dream ball and apriballs which checks out fine with normal Raichu, Pichu and Pikachu. Shouldn't it be as legal as the others in its evolution line since you only need to use a thunder stone in alola to evolve one?

If I understand you correctly, the issue is regular Raichu being in other balls?

1. Even without what I’m about to point out on the next point, Pikachu (from gen 7) with those other balls retain the balls when evolved in gen 8.

2. USUM allows for regular Pikachu evolution via Ultra Space.

If there really is an issue, and I’m misunderstanding you, you need to be as clear and concise as possible.

1 hour ago, Nero420 said:

Relearn moves are also being flagged. I'm getting these from various samples: 2 alolan raichus I've gotten off the GTS and from directly injecting pk7 and pk8 alolan raichus from both 

If the issue is relating to Alolan Raichu being incorrectly flagged, that was already fixed in the latest commit. Wait for the next PKHeX update.

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This is from the GRIDELIN save file:

This one is from your save file(project 402):

Hatched Pichu, Pikachu and Normal Raichu can all be in Beast, Dream, and apriballs available in USUM. Apparently, Alolan Raichu is flagged illegal. If both Pichu and Pikachu is legal in Beast, Dream and apriballs, shouldn't Alolan Raichu be legal too?


Edited by Nero420
Pulled up a gen 8 save, editing now...
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