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I created a level 5 dratini and a lvl 16 porygon on my Pearl game. It all checked out both on the PokeSav and in-game. I then traded the two over to my new Platinum game, and now they both say they were "Apparently met at [location]". Did I make some serious mistake? Why does it say "apparently met?"

Thank you for any response.


I'm pretty sure that's what it says on all pokemon when you trade it.

but I am positive you didn't do anything wrong, try checking it with legality, or pika anti-cheat.


Well, other than the fact that I made a level 5 Dratini, which you catch at a higher level...

I think i still have the pokesav files, I'll try and run them through the checkers.

Thanks, again.


Apparently Met appears when you trade a pokemon between games (Your ID/SID in your Pearl game is different to the one of your Platinum game) if you want to get rid of the 'apparently met' you have to use the ID/SID of your Platinum game when making the pkm files in pokesav


I see, but it was a legitimate trade. I checked out the pkmn I sent over to my Pearl game. They were legitimately found and caught in game, and simply used as place-holders to trade my dratini and porygon over to my Platinum. Both of those also said they were "Apparently met at Lv. 2".

So, if it is a legitimate trade, between games, it will always say "apparently". After all, I will never have the exact same ID and SID with two game chips.


I don't understand why so many people think Apparently met at means hacked, it doesn't. It means it was traded!

The only reason someone may call a Apparently met at Pokemon hacked is if the Pokemon has the trainer's name and ID. Meaning they are trying to pass the hack off as their own, but doesn't know their SID. so the game displays apparently met at because not all the trainer information matches, and having a Pokemon with your name and ID but still have the game think it was traded means it was hacked.

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