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Hey guys... I'm obviously a new member...

I like pokemon regardless of my age... I hope to oneday FORCE my kids into it... if I have any... HAH!!

Ehh... that was too adult... not me... ANYWAY...

I've been playing pokemon since the year it hit game form... uhh... I've NEVER been to a nintendo event, and don't plan on it... I play for fun.. I don't think video games oculd ever leave a gamers life... at all...

I just play to kill time... I like to sketch, I hope one day to be declared artist... but right now, I'm just a sketcher... love that term. I'll upload a sketch of mine for an AVATAR!! YAY!!! *no applause*

I'm kinda random... just kinda, but i do run away in my mind, and love to speak it, so I would eventually create some sort of act... an invisible narrator if you will...

I'm into ROCK... The Rockker is a damn good movie as well as Schoool House of Rock... good actors!! I like Josie and the Pussycats too... any movie involving music... like JUNO in a sense... well you get it now I hope...

I'm overly modest... and that enough... cause I doubt anyones gonna read all that...

My favorite word is STUFF!! *runs away*

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