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Hi all. =)

Well, at firts, you known whit AR you can make 999 stat.

(I haven't AR so I don't known how work in save.)

I search with HxD the value who change stat (Ev/IV).

I known a stat can not have more than 255 (So FF in HxD)

But with AR you can ...

My question is : How can you change stat at 999 with HxD ? (999 = 3E7.)

I'm just curious, I'm a strategist not a cheater ^^

Thanks for your response. <3

(Sorry, I'm bad in english ... Correct me if you want, I learn like that <<)


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Sorry for the late response, but I barely ever respond anymore.

Party pokemon have a larger file size, which contains the stats. You can edit those stats to 999, as that is how many bits each stat can hold. However, if you place the pokemon into storage, deleting these extra bytes, the stats return to normal.

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