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Newb with no idea what he's doing


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Hello, I'm new to the forum and more-or-less to Pokemon. I'd like to add/edit in Pokemon, mainly to streamline the breeding process (i.e., editing myself a box of Dittos with every nature, rather than trying to catch them one at a time until I have every nature) and to provide myself with Pokemon I would probably not be able to get otherwise (i.e. 1st gen Pokemon, Pokemon from events I missed a long time ago). I don't have any interest in creating illegal Pokemon.

Here's the thing. All I have is Pokemon Platinum, a Nintendo DSi, and an ARDSi. Using generated AR codes to do everything seems pretty inelegant, but I don't really know where to start in order to work directly with the save file. I've read about needing flash cards, slot this or that, but nowhere I've found has really gotten very specific with the explanations. So besides the programs listed in the guide for creating legal Pokemon, what else do I need to get started?

Secondly, I want to use this method to jump start a breeding program, like I mentioned. Playing catch-up with the folks who've been catching 'em all since before the GBA days. I figure I could create some breeding stock, like the Dittos I was talking about. My thinking is that I can create legal Pokemon to breed with, and since it's impossible by definition to get illegal Pokemon within the game itself, the resulting offspring will also be legal and quasi-legit.

I figure there has to be a flaw in my thinking, but I'm not sure where. Thoughts?

I know getting newcomers on track is tiresome. Thanks for reading.

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