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wishes for PKHeX


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1. Is it possible to change / unlock the decoration? (Gen 2, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and more)

2. Is it possible to influence the rider's starter choice, even in older generations. In addition, the development from Eevee to Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon?

2. Is there a way to display the frequency? Which Pokémon where at what rate (grass, fishing, etc.) occurs?

Should there be a direct request thread then I did not find it unfortunately. Sorry


Thanks Ryu

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Here's my take on the likely responses you'll get from the devs:

1 hour ago, Ryuichi said:

Is it possible to change / unlock the decoration? (Gen 2, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and more)

Someone needs to do the research for it, for which flag represents which decoration, in order for it to be implemented.

1 hour ago, Ryuichi said:

Is it possible to influence the rider's starter choice, even in older generations. In addition, the development from Eevee to Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon?

I assume you meant Rival.
It's probably some event flag stored in the game. Once again, someone needs to do the research for it.

1 hour ago, Ryuichi said:

Is there a way to display the frequency? Which Pokémon where at what rate (grass, fishing, etc.) occurs?

There's various existing websites that document this info (such as this or this)

There isn't a need to implement something that already exists

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