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Ive played many of the earlier games on emulators. Ive since bought them and own a 3ds and a ds. I played soulsilver and have many pokemon that are high level and took me a while to raise. I saved them as pkm files and injected them into my black 2 game which i then traded to my retail black 2 game. I tried to upload them through poke transfer but it says there's a problem with them. It wont take them. I went back and changed met at to poke transfer lab and that didnt work. I would just says they were eggs hatched in game but mewtwo, zapdos, and lugia cant be bred. I will have a soulsilver retail cart soon. Maybe then i could trade them to that and then black 2 in the legit way. What am i doing wrong with the pkm files in my black 2 game though? Thanks guys!

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Unless you showed us the .pkm files in question, nobody can really tell.


Sweet! It worked! Was it the items they were holding? Or was it the fact i had them as met at poke transfer lab instead of poketransfer? Either way, you guys are awesome and im so grateful for your help! Thank you!

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

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