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All I want to do is reset my wonder cards to an "Undelivered state"

I already tried This and the XorFiles and PokemonGenVISaveDecrypter - Nothing will make anything load into PKHex - it's either not decrypted or "Attempted to load unsupported file type/size" error, something about "0x76000" - with or without the .bin extension.

I have a PowerSaves and an "Old 3DS (North America)" with the 9.2 firmware.

How do I do this????

All I want is to "Undeliver" some Wonder Cards so I can reset for good IVs and natures because 2 years ago I never thought I could do that (I didn't think it was randomised).

Is there a way without PKHex? Couldn't there be a PowerSaves code which could do that, like the action replay before it? Wouldn't it be just changing a few Hex lines?

Please Help!

Thank you

  Kaphotics said:
9.2 fw -> set up custom firmware, ditch powersaves, install savedatafiler, use PKHeX.

Attempting now, can not install FBI or savedatafiller due to unsigned check error ?

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