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Like it says on the tin, I was a dummy and UPDATED MY FIRMWARE AND SOFTWARE SO I CAN'T QR CODE-INJECT ANYMORE! <* headdesk *> <* sadface *>

I HONESTLY thought I had a Shiny Movie Genesect as well as a V-Create Rayquaza and a Tretta Rotom from my days having hacked the Gen V GTS. Nooooope... X( D'oh!

As such, I need help acquiring those three Pokemon as well as (I may only hope...) the 4 7-Spot 'mons (Lugia, Latios, Pikachu, Pancham) and the Jump Festa Linoone.

I don't KNOW if I have the Dream World Eeveelutions, and if I don't I'd very much like them. I will have to check.


Original QR codes at the Reddit link above ^^

THAT should cover me for now, I will just have to find a way to mass-import the Colo/XD Pokemon en masse through the NDS Adapter Plus [sOMEHOW DAMMIT] because that is just too much for any one party to trade. My nick is Aquila, my FC is 3840-6579-9848 and my IGN is Safira. I will be on later today/this afternoon/evening (Tuesday 8/4). I work overnights though so sometimes it's hard to coordinate my schedule with others. Any help is greatly, GREATLY appreciated and thanks VERY MUCH in advance!

  • 3 weeks later...

On the 4th of September I am running through collossuem and xD legitly I could transfer and trade them all the way to my Y or AS cartridge and send you them.

Just send me a bunch of weak common pokemon in return and I will gladly send them your way give me a pm if you want em.

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