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Help backing up ROMs.

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I can't, for my life, get this to work. I've been trying the WiFi tool found here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2

It's being very stubborn, and none of the settings in the ini file will change, thus I can't set the proper setup to backup. That, or my router is being retarded and won't let it through. Is there anything like the GBA backup tool, that lets you copy it straight onto the flashcart microSD without the FTP WiFi stuff?



And if you can't help me or there is no way to fix this, I'll just go ahead and buy the NDS USB Backup Tool, as that might work faster, easier, with less stress for me. :)

EDIT: Crap. Got it to work. I didn't put it in the ROOT -_-; But now whenever I try to back it up, I get this message, and can't see anything wrong with the setup:

"Data transfer failed.

Please do over again.

(A): Confirm"

I've retried over and over, but to no avail. It also seems to be connecting to my computer. What could be wrong? Are there not enough privledges? (Vista UAC maybe?)

Edited by epicNeo
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