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Hello all, this is my first post and I apologize for it not being in the introduction thread. I've been lurking here for a few days and this seemed like the best place to post so I've signed up and decided to ask about my situation, since I've looked for quite a while and no luck on solving my problem.

I decided to start genning AFTER I had patched to 9.5.0-23U, and then realized that it was too late to go back. So I bought a brand new 2DS, and currently it's patched to 9.2.0-12U.

I've followed every instruction there is, but the injection doesn't seem to work, as the RAM2SAV never works as I can never create a ramsave.bin file, following this guide:


nor did the instructions in this link work for me either: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44551-Web-Browser-RAM-based-Pokemon-Injection-for-XY-and-ORAS

Please help! Thank you very much.


It seems that the original servers went down, did you try those links instead ? :

alternative links since the original webhost is currently down

rsavout - http://bit.ly/1xx5Ywj

rsavin - http://bit.ly/1IkwyJr

pcout - http://bit.ly/1I2aqXv

pcin - http://bit.ly/1Hi4ZQD

Another alternative :

Lunarcookies mirrored the loadcode btw, so for whoever wants a more "permanent" thing, use http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html for code.bin or http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html#something.bin for custom bins

Use those URLs:

http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html#rsavout.bin (shorturl: j.mp/svout)

http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html#rsavin.bin (shorturl: j.mp/svin6)

It seems that the original servers went down, did you try those links instead ? :

The servers went down? O.o I have been using the same stuff for ramsav for weeks now, and used it about 15 minutes ago as well


No I have not, how do I use those links? since I know originally you're supposed to put the rsavout rsavin and code.bin files in the 2/3DS, so do I have to manually go to each of those websites on my DS now?


Just put whatever .bin file you need on your SD card then enter the game, back to home menu and access the new URL. It's exactly the safe as before except the web adress changed. Use the adress that match the file you want to activate.


Okay so I followed the instructions for RAM2SAV (I even cleared history and cookies and stuff)

1. Copy rsavin.bin and rsavout.bin onto your 9.X 3DS (or XL or 2DS) (no emunand/no new 3ds(the one with the C-stick)) SD card.

2. Run X/Y/OR/AS and get ingame (make sure you can see Brendan/May).

3. Hit the home menu and go to the browser.

4. Go to *the new URL above* to run rsavout.bin.

5. Wait for it the crash back to the home menu.

6. Power down the 3ds.

7. Take out your SD card and put it in the PC.

8. Open ramsav.bin in PKHex.

^ ramsav.bin still does not appear. :/

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