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In most battling communities, even those that don't by default follow Smogon rules and tiers, Garchomp is uber. So if it's for competiitve play, keep that in mind.

It's simply what you want it to do. If you want power, Band it with a Jolly nature. Revenge kill? Adamant or Jolly with a scarf.

And if it's in-game , then it really doesn't matter.


Ergh as far as I remember Yache berry + Swords dance set was the way to go as after 1 Swords dance garchomp can even KO most of his counters that switch in.

He has the bulk of swampert, attack on par with salamence and typing that makes him immune to sandstorm damage, electric attacks and he takes relatively little damage from Stealth rocks.

In most battling communities, even those that don't by default follow Smogon rules and tiers, Garchomp is uber. So if it's for competiitve play, keep that in mind.

Question: Is he considered uber by Nintendo with their 6v6 Doubles as the standard form of battle? ( <- actually a question, not sarcasm )

  Enkidu said:

Question: Is he considered uber by Nintendo with their 6v6 Doubles as the standard form of battle? ( <- actually a question, not sarcasm )

As said, Nintendo doesn't host the tournaments nor do they make the Pokemon games. At least for this and last year, it's never been 6v6 Doubles but it's 4v4 doubles. And no, it's not banned. Most of the banned list are exclusive legends for one region, event legends, and anything that evolves after level 50..

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