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Help about dead pokemon Y and powersaves back up!


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Ok so i've been looking for answers about my questions but i cant find nothin..

my 2 problems are..

1.- My old pokemon Y died, i dont know how but it doesnt work anymore but before that happened i made a back up with powersaves and i want to know if i buy a new pokemon Y i should be able to restore my back up from the old pokemon Y to the new one. i've tried with changing the name of the .bin files to the pokemon X (pokemon x belongs to a friend) but when i start the game it says: game data is corrupted.. but what about if i put the savefile to a Y version???

2.- i want to know if the back up of my friend (he has pokemon x) can be restored after doing a save data transfer tool to a digital version. i have the X digital version. i mean transfer the data of my friend to my digital copy and then restore it with powersaves..

i hope i was clear with this and please please i need to know as soon as possible because im thinking on buying a new Y game just to try to recover the save..

thanks :)

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but are you sure it cant be done?

btw the second option i think it is very possible because i got the save from the cartridge and then restore the save after transfering the data to a digital version. should be the same decryption code. but im not sure.

can you show me the threads where they said it didnt work please i just want to be sure

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