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I bring you greetings from Emerald Hill Zone!

Nah, just kiddin. Anyway, I'm CronoStorm. Crono is fine. Nice to meet you all. I don't sign up for many sites (actually, this one makes three EVER) but it seems like a community that's actually worth my time.

I'm kinda a nub at editing in general; but all the edits I've done so far have all passed as legit. I suck at Mystery Gift editing, though, no idea what I'm doin'. :grog:

I've been playing Pokemon since the games birth. I'm a veritable fountain of knowledge, though I try not to show off (lol). I play tournaments here and there (with my Diamond version; haven't gotten around to Platinum) and always come out on top. Um, mind you, they are local tournaments :creep: and anything I play generally gets banned (that's the common theme where I live; if it beats you, ban it).

I hope to get to know you all a bit better. My profile has been all decked out (lol though not very descriptive) and if you wanna chat or ask me anything gimme a PM.

Can't WAIT for Soul Silver, btw.

Also, on a final note, I like Sonic. A lot. And Cheez-its, and parentheses.


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I'm kinda a nub at editing in general;

Hello There.

I like Sonic too. Although i prefer Shadow, and Silver they're AwEsOmE.:kikkoman:

oh and let me break it to you:

Newb - Beginner who doesn't know any better.

noob - someone who knows better but chooses not to do as expected to be annoying.

n00b - verison of above but uses the fail version of the 1337 speak.

Nooblet - a noob that is more annoying version of a noob.

n00bl3t - obvious, no?

nub - the Most annoying of all of them.

1338 nub - one that has surpassed the retardation that is 1337, and is still extremely annoying.:grog:

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Hello There.

I like Sonic too. Although i prefer Shadow, and Silver they're AwEsOmE.:kikkoman:

oh and let me break it to you:

Newb - Beginner who doesn't know any better.

noob - someone who knows better but chooses not to do as expected to be annoying.

n00b - verison of above but uses the fail version of the 1337 speak.

Nooblet - a noob that is more annoying version of a noob.

n00bl3t - obvious, no?

nub - the Most annoying of all of them.

1338 nub - one that has surpassed the retardation that is 1337, and is still extremely annoying.:grog:

LOL, touche sir, touche. However, I assume that different regions have different takes on a 'nub'; here, its simply someone who isn't a total NOOB, but still ends up making completely noobish mistakes. Nice to meet you. :grog:

Ah, um, won't catch me speakin 1337 to save my net-life. Promise.

I don't think I fall under those categories, then. :smile: I just can't Mystery Gift edit to save my life lol

Doc: 'Crono', lol, no 'H'. It's all good though, everyone does that.

Edited by CronoStorm
Noticed a previous post I missed cause it was so small
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