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Right i have managed to generate some perfect legendary pokemon for XY by uploading them to BW2 and pokebanking them to XY, so far ive managed to do lugia, oh ho, giratina and latios, but thats it, at the moment i am trying my guts out to get a deoxys, groudon, rayquaza kyogre, groudon and jirachi through, oh and arceus, ill upload the files here ive tried countless times.

do they need to be faitful encounters

what do i out for encountered and met

whats the difference between poketransfer and pokemon transfer lab

help will be massively appreciated





Arceus.pkmFetching info...

deox.pkmFetching info...

groud.pkmFetching info...

korg.pkmFetching info...


If you want legendaries that cannot be caught in a game, try finding a wondercard for that event. It will be much easier to get a legal Pokémon that way, as opposed to entering ALL the data manually.

But it's against the ToS of the Pokebank to intentionally transfer hacked Pokémon, so I'll have to close this thread.

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