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Right so this time last week, no problems, now I'm doing the same thing and yet I'm either getting an "error, must turn off" message or I'm getting an egg which locks up my game if I check its summary.

So here's an example of a Cofagrigus I tried, to be as safe as possible, I don't get what would be making the game lock up when I was making Pokegen'd Japanese legendaries before..

PID: Left blank as usual

Species: Cofagrigus

Nickname: Left blank as usual

Experience: set to lvl50

Nature: Calm

Item: none

Happiness: 50 (random tbh)

Ability: Mummy

Country: US/UK/AU

Origin: Black

Gender: Male


Game: Black(2)/White(2)

Location: Relic Castle

Ball: Poke ball

Level: 34 (so legit for the wild encounter)

Date: 08/10/2012 (random)

Encounter: Egg/pal park (usual gen 5 option)

Egg is not ticked on either page

Stats: Mix of 31/30 IV's

EV's: 252 HP, 252 Sp.Att, 6 Def

Attacks: Nasty plot, shadow ball, will-o-wisp, hidden power


Gender of trainer matches mine

using own trainer/secret ID (17662/44448)

OT: Joey (my name)

After this I get pokegen to make an ar code for selected pokemon (1). I put this on the AR, got a junk lead pokemon. Get the code activated, do L+R. Then I get an egg which crashes my game.

But as I say, last week I was making mons with a greater likelihood to go wrong, hell I picked the wrong encounter and stuff as I thought tall grass was standard, and it was still fine. So I don't get the issue?

EDIT: Just tried downloading a pkm file from pokecheck, this Aerodactyl, it also produced me this egg which crashes the game...


pokecheck says it looks legit, so what's going on? Non-pokegen AR codes are working fine (tried 900 masterballs, all items etc).

Edited by Joeyboy
more info added
  evandixon said:
Have you set the right target game outside the cheats dialog?

Yeah when you ask it to generate the code I did change it from Black 2 to Black.

If I have one poke in my party and try, I get a bad egg.

If I have more than one poke, but I'm still just using the code to replace the lead poke, I get an error must turn off power when I click on my pokemon squad.


Ah nevermind! I've figured out how to use pokecheck now, my ds lite is problem in that regard as its working on the 3ds. It must have been something about the AR because my pkm file works fine on this.



It's good that you have it working, but for future reference, target game in the cheats dialog and Pokegen in general are different. Unless you entered the code incorrectly, the target game is the only think I think could have been incorrect.

  evandixon said:
It's good that you have it working, but for future reference, target game in the cheats dialog and Pokegen in general are different. Unless you entered the code incorrectly, the target game is the only think I think could have been incorrect.

Ah you mean on the AR software where you add codes? They were entered into Pokemon Black (UK), same as always, certainly all that seemed the same. But I must say pokecheck is much faster haha, my partner will be happy she has a mew now assuming it transfers to pokemon Y okay (I heard the system for checking pokemon was fairly lax, so hopefully it wont be tightened when it's back, albeit obviously everything about it is "legitimate" so hopefully it'll be fine).

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