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[icon]399[/icon]The Wonder Trade

There is a new feature within the Pokemon XY's PSS, and it is called Miracle Trade (or Wonder Trade, I believe, in English, so for your sakes, I will call it Wonder Trade). For those of you who do not know what Wonder Trade is, it is a fun little feature that lets you trade your own Pokemon to a random person for their random Pokemon, so you never know what you would get. It is a bit of a gamble, and so it is full of joy and grief, depending on what Pokemon you get. This feature has been derogatorily been named Bidoof Trade because people thought that was all that would be traded. Generally what people trade are Pokemon they do not want or have multiple copies of. Share your personal experiences with it and anything else involving the Wonder Trade. You may rant about your bad experiences, some good times you've had with shiny Pokemon from Wonder Trade, the best and absolute worst Pokemon you have received, how to improve the Wonder Trade experience, the colour of your shirt as you were Wonder Trading, etc...

[icon]399[/icon]My own personal experiences

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[icon]399[/icon]Upcoming events for Wonder Trade

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Edited by wraith89

Most of the Pokemon I have recieved have been quite dreadful however I've recieved decent pokemon such as Adament Scyther and a Jolly Kangaskhan. Overall, I've actually resorted to the GTS if I ever wanted a specific pokemon or I network with other people.

The wonder trade, whilst novel is only a means. I am however waiting to see what can be acquired when the Pokebank actualizes. That may be a very interesting prospect.

  • 2 weeks later...
  SilentFox said:
I am however waiting to see what can be acquired when the Pokebank actualizes. That may be a very interesting prospect.

Sorry for the slight bump, but I could not agree with the above more. I hadn't even thought about it the slightest before, but now I'm looking forward to the launch of Pokémon Bank even more. Wonder Trade will be a blast.

I remember the first few days or weeks even of Wonder Trade. They were horrible; countless Scatterbug and other horrible early Pokémon as such. Now, however, my luck's not too shabby. I've just gotten a Shroomish, which I believe can only be obtained by breeding Breloom, which again can only be obtained, via Friend Safari. I remember seeing a good Pokémon on the GTS asking for a Shroomish, but that was a while ago. I'm a rather generous Wonder Trade user myself, I only really hand out Protean Froakies along with all the other starters currently available in the game. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. I had one time where the Pokémon I were getting were just great, so I kept at it, sending out the same Pokémon every time. The next day wasn't so lucky, though.


I usually hold firmly on to whatever is bred unless I want to clear my boxes. It's good to keep some spares in case people on forums/comment boxes etc, ask for what you know you have to trade. At least that's the thought process now. I'd still put a few good ones through the Wonder Trade to improve the quality of it a minute amount.


Today's Wonder Trade (Christmas) was actually quite disappointing. I have received more Route 2 Fletchings, Bunnelbys, Weedles, Sentrets and others (all in some ball that is not even Poke Ball, think about what that implies) while sending out some beautiful Dratinis and starters. I have also received a bunch of Froakies in abundance, which may be nice I guess.

Meanwhile, I did receive something interesting after a while:

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Yes folks, Pokebank is out in Japan (and in South Korea), but I did not download my copy yet, because I do not have a physical Korean cartridge of Gen V Pokemon games (I opted out of that series). The one time I send out a Honedge (It was 5 IV but people dislike Honedges), I get something good. I have a feeling Wonder Trade pairs good trades with bad trades on purpose :/

  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh Wonder Trade... why are you so ridiculous? This is a Sassy natured Jynx named "Nikki" with Mean Look, Fake Tears, Wake-Up Slap, and Avalanche. I do not know who this Nikki is supposed to be, but that is certainly frightening.

Anyways, due to the delay of Pokebank for the Western players and the coming of a New Year, I decided to do a little bit of some generous giveaways of non-obtainable starters that I have bred, a lot of them having good IVs and egg moves (examples being Piplup with Agility/Featherdance/Aqua Ring/Icy Wind and Chikorita with Leech Seed/Grassy Terrain/Leaf Storm). There will be a few "surprise Pokemon" in the mix as well. I think I will hold this giveaway at maybe sometime around 11 PM Saturday 3 Jan EST (8 PM Saturday PST), unless I change plans, where in that case I will notify right here. I hope I don't forget: I live 14 hours ahead of that specific time zone.

Yes, the Pokemons' names will be in Korean, but they will change when you evolve them. Look for a person that looks like this and you will know it is me.


Useful tip: Breed a couple of new starters if you receive them. You can place them up the GTS to help you find other Pokemon for your Pokedex. The demand for old starters are still rather high and trades usually take place almost instantaneously! That is how I received all of mine.


So far I've received Cyndaquil, Chimchar, Treecko through the wonder trade system. I got all three of them yesterday and bred and sent them back out. Granted they're not IV bred,but still, players can re-breed them themselves.

Anyways, Wraith, any chance of a Chikorita or a Piplup? The times you're offering the starters at, I wont be online to get some of them. I'm online now if you're available.

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