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Well I fount this little program a day ago, and it's frankly, brillant.

Link here

Basically, what it does, is count how many times you click your mouse buttons, and type a letter on your keyboard, and on top of that, measures how much your mouse cursor has moved.

After this, you can then "Pulse" it and then it resets, and add's the amount you racked up on to your total stats, it's quite nice for people who spend alot of time on there computer, like me... although recently I've spent more time mashing buttons on my DS xD.

And, You can also make "teams" which you can make and join, and see your rank against people in the team, such as friends, and etc.

Anyway, If we get enough people, maybe we should make a Project Pokemon team xD.

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Uhhh does a track pad count as a mouse, in this erm program?

And yes now I'm curios if this key logs, although it's not like i enter any important banks passwords, just plainly for gaming although. I would be heartbroken to see one of my close loved character suddenly, and mysteriously. Vanish from my account.

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