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I would like to know where the narc file for roaming Pokemon is in both Pokemon White and Pokemon Black. I would also like to know if there is a tool that could help me edit the narc file.


The tools is only hex editor, desmume and IDA Pro xD, is seems my post already deleted O.o since i can't found that anymore in here.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_outbreak for list

Format :

<map_id(2)> <pokemon_id(2)> <forme_id> <min_lv> <max_lv> <gender (?)>

Pokemon Black or White : (in my testing i used pokemon black)

In my test swarming pokemon is on route 5, is Smeargle (235) --> EB00.


so xxxx EB00 00 aa bb 00 (xxxx --> map id, aa --> min lv , bb --> max lv

you can find on ram dump with that data = xxxx EB00 00 0F 37 00
3D 01 53 00 00 0F 37 00 3F 01 68 01 00 0F 37 00
41 01 39 01 00 0F 37 00 46 01 C1 01 00 0F 37 00
49 01 EB 00 00 0F 37 00 4B 01 37 01 00 0F 37 00
51 01 A1 00 00 0F 37 00 59 01 C5 01 00 0F 37 00
5C 01 E4 00 00 0F 37 00 63 01 EC 00 00 0F 37 00
6D 01 1D 01 00 0F 37 00 70 01 54 00 00 0F 37 00
72 01 61 01 00 0F 37 00 76 01 C1 00 00 0F 37 00
7A 01 38 00 00 0F 37 00 7F 01 CC 00 00 0F 37 00
83 01 66 00 00 0F 37 00

on hex editor (i using 010 editor because is have linux version too) :
  Reveal hidden contents

on desmume :
  Reveal hidden contents

is on offset : 1D8DE8 (on RAM DUMP). let's test it :
  Reveal hidden contents

how to find a exact location for that? is not stored on narc but on ova files section, just dig on ova table,
for about the structure.

1D8DE8 --> 02 1D 8D E8, is stored on OVA 21. on offset 0X50EE08
  Reveal hidden contents

Actually is still same on BW2, but is stored on OVA 36.

  Andibad said:
The tools is only hex editor, desmume and IDA Pro xD, is seems my post already deleted O.o since i can't found that anymore in here.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_outbreak for list

Format :

<map_id(2)> <pokemon_id(2)> <forme_id> <min_lv> <max_lv> <gender (?)>

Pokemon Black or White : (in my testing i used pokemon black)

In my test swarming pokemon is on route 5, is Smeargle (235) --> EB00.


so xxxx EB00 00 aa bb 00 (xxxx --> map id, aa --> min lv , bb --> max lv

you can find on ram dump with that data = xxxx EB00 00 0F 37 00
3D 01 53 00 00 0F 37 00 3F 01 68 01 00 0F 37 00
41 01 39 01 00 0F 37 00 46 01 C1 01 00 0F 37 00
49 01 EB 00 00 0F 37 00 4B 01 37 01 00 0F 37 00
51 01 A1 00 00 0F 37 00 59 01 C5 01 00 0F 37 00
5C 01 E4 00 00 0F 37 00 63 01 EC 00 00 0F 37 00
6D 01 1D 01 00 0F 37 00 70 01 54 00 00 0F 37 00
72 01 61 01 00 0F 37 00 76 01 C1 00 00 0F 37 00
7A 01 38 00 00 0F 37 00 7F 01 CC 00 00 0F 37 00
83 01 66 00 00 0F 37 00

on hex editor (i using 010 editor because is have linux version too) :
  Reveal hidden contents

on desmume :
  Reveal hidden contents

is on offset : 1D8DE8 (on RAM DUMP). let's test it :
  Reveal hidden contents

how to find a exact location for that? is not stored on narc but on ova files section, just dig on ova table,
for about the structure.

1D8DE8 --> 02 1D 8D E8, is stored on OVA 21. on offset 0X50EE08
  Reveal hidden contents

Actually is still same on BW2, but is stored on OVA 36.

I searched through all of the overlays in Pokemon Black and I didn't find 810200 for Tornadus... I want to be able to make different legendary pokemon from previous generations roam around Unova.

  popcornrulez said:
I searched through all of the overlays in Pokemon Black and I didn't find 810200 for Tornadus... I want to be able to make different legendary pokemon from previous generations roam around Unova.

oh . that pokemon is stored on a/0/5/6 or a/0/5/7, you need scripting.

well maybe i just mixed with roaming and swarming pokemon xD sorry.




before create new question, please search it first. don't be lazy and noobz thx.

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