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Well, for starters, My names Mark.

I live in England, I'm 16 years old, my birthday is 23 September, so, getting close to 17 *woop*. I've had some form of pokemon media with me at all ages, when I was young, the anime and games, and as a grew up, only started to watch the odd Episode and the films, and fell in love with the games, I was already in love with RPG's as a genre, nevermind pokemon ;).

List of Games I've have/had:

Pokemon Blue

Pokemon Gold

Pokemon LeafGreen

Pokemon Pearl [NoMore, Traded in when Platinum was released]

Pokemon Platinum

Pokemon Coloseum

Pokemon xD

Pokemon Ranger

and definatly getting SoulSilver when it's released in England.

As for the teams I use on Pokemon games, I generally, stick to the smaller ones oddly, I'd rather have the team in my signature, than a team of massive tough looking pokemon, such as Groudon and Rayquaza.

My favourite pokemon is Shaymin, strangely >_>. No idea why, Just when I watched the 11th movie, I was just amazed ;). Before Shaymin, it was Castform.

I stumbled upon here while looking up information on AR and the codes for certain pokemon, which is when I fount out about Pokesav, and the request thread, and after the kindness of XRay, I decided to stay.

I do believe that's all for now, just ask away if you want to know anything else. ^_^

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Hellooo There Mark.

My name is HottSushiz well that's meh username, although my real name is Koline, it's spelled differently, it's pronounced as Colin, but when we receive substitutes in class, or we just get a new teacher, they always pronounce it incorrect, and me plus my class require to correct them. (it's a hard life i know *sad face*)

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