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I'm new to the forums and I must say I am very pleased with the PokeGen program as a whole. I have however encountered one problem. I am running a rom of Pokemon White Version on the desmume ds emulator for Mac. I am running PokeGen for windows on Mac through two programs called Wine and Wine Bottler. When I created six Pokemon in the party and saved the .sav file, everything worked correctly. When I created a pokemon and set it in the first slot of Box 1, it did not appear in the pc in-game after the .sav file was saved. Any advice on how to fix this problem would be most appreciated.

  evandixon said:
(I'm assuming DeSmuMe is the same on both operating systems.)

You said you're editing the *.sav file. Are you getting that from File -> Export Backup Memory? If not, use that or open the *.dsv file in the Battery folder.

By the way, this thread probably should have gone in the Save Editing Help section: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?27-Save-Editing-Help

I got it figured out. Each time you make a change in PokeGen, you have to save the .sav file AND import the new save file or the game thinks its the same as before. Thanks very much for the help thought! :)

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