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Pokemon Dream Radar


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I'm just curious, but would it be possible to be able to hack Pokemon Dream Radars Save file thats located in the SD card, "00000001.sav" i been messing around with Hex editor (I am quite skilled at using.) comparing 2 save files data but have had no luck transfering any data between them, what im trying to figure out is if its possible to edit dream orbs, the number of clouds u have or what pokemon you have captured, like i currently have just 3 gen IV pokemon games, i would also like to attempt to inject pokemon data into tricking the game to thinking you have had all gen iv games inserted and able to catch all the legends from there, i do understand each dream radar save file is locked to the user, so its not like you can download someone elses saved data, but it would be interesting if there is currently any method to changing things within the save without it becoming corrupted.

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