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Why hello there!

Lord Muha

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Hey! Name's Lord Muha, Muha or Lord, and will do. ^_^

I'm a complete Pokémon fanatic and love everything about it. That's why I decided to register here, as well as to hopefully make some new friends.

I'm a moderator of several forums on another Pokémon website (I won't name it for now as I'm not too sure if it's against the rules or not - perhaps a sticky at the top of this forum? - but it shouldn't be to hard to find out) so I have a fair knowledge of Pokémon and how the series - whether game, anime or manga - runs.

I also like to collect the Pokémon merchandise, and I have a steadily growing collection that I will most likely post one day.

I'm sure what else to post really, other than the fact that I don't unlegitimately play the game, but hopefully I'll get lots of lovely welcomes? Until next time, see ya!


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