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Based off a cool concept I saw on google and the real plant.

I want this beastie on Black and White and in my team.. But im not sure if Kazo's BWSE can edit these in without glitching the palletes.. Or maybe that was the old version? In any case, I can't find out myself as im on my Linux machine, and the Windows one will be coming in two weeks so..

Is it possible to flawlessly insert pokemon sprites yet?

If it is then, it would mean the green light for me to finish this Victreebel's back sprite and make him into pieces for the insertion.

It has the same colors as the original, so no need for pallete changing too.

Sprite is for personal use, but if you want it, then by all means enjoy it.

Edited by Reptillian
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yes you can in a theory but is have a lot to do.

the main problem is file "c" is the main part to play animation sprite on BW / BW2. so you need adjust you animation with that c files or if you want alternate animation, just edit c file~.

if you want non animation sprite pokemon on BW / BW2 (on trainer), manipulate ncer file for 1 cell bank only (a lot oem since is limited on size for each oem). and make narn file is not have animation action. for nmcr and nmar is for imesheet , grouping, make just 1 frame, and last file is just for coordinate only.

1. prepare static sprite one. for static one. (on pokemon BW/BW2 is have 2 narc for pokemon sprite animation... a/0/0/4 is used commonly), male or female, you must insert on male part. if have female one is must excact same on every pieces size.

2. sheet sprite, yeah pieces from you sprite. make them simple, don't make too many pieces xD

3. is the hard one for make ncer file. you must understand about oem using hex editor for understand using oem editor on tinke. you can see documented ncer here .

4. is for animation part for every pieces from ncer file. is called nanr (nitro animation resources). you can see here .

5. after you are done on ncer and nanr file, next one is NMCR Nitro Mapped Cell Resource.

6. same as NMCR, NMAR is Nitro Mapped Animation Resource, in my testing is for how animation work, like repeating nanr action or so...

7. last unextension (no have extension) file is a coordinate ncer ncer+nanr+nmcr+nmar file like cell bank~

if you sprite is just small changes (on you sprites) so no needed edit ncer / nanr / nmcr / nmar / file files ~ just replacing nclr and ncgr only xD

file you need :

1. 2 ncgr static

2. 2 ncgr sprite sheet

3. 1 ncer --> define each cell bank from ncgr

4. 1 nanr --> animation of cell bank from ncer

5. 1 nmcr --> manage cell bank is on front or not based on nanr

6. 1 nmar --> for timming animation

7. 1 file --> for manage cell bank is on right coordinate/location

8. 2 nclr --> non shiny and shiny color

that all i understand about pokemon animation sprite on BW / BW2 O.o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been experimenting so far, with maybe a lil sucess.

...Rom crashes happened. But that's how you learn, amirite?

I just need to know how to edit pallete files of certain pokes and specifically palletes. Any help is appreciated. (Asap, if possible)

Now.. Brought a little something for you all, especially milotic users




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on ncgr+ncer+nanr is always used 2 pallete file and just 16 color only.

each color is need 2 byte~ is used BGR555 that mean blue green red 5 bit 5 bit 5 bit....

like CF14 --> 14CF

you will got : 0 00101 00110 01111 (Blue Green Red)

each bit is 8... because Bit Depth is 8 (you can see on PLTT secion on 0x8 , 3 is 4 bit and 4 is 8 bit

00101 ==> 5x8 = b(40)

00110 ==> 6x8 = g(48)

01111 ==> 15x8 = r(120)

rgb (120 , 48 , 40)


for example :

  1. whimsicott front sprite sheet :
  2. nclr PLLT section :
    normal :
    7E5E 4208 7C67 D846 552E 6D21 8A26 E821 230D 1C02 B509 B221 4E21 EA14 3531 FF7F
    shiny :
    D65A 4208 DF77 185F 743E AF35 8A6A E865 2361 BC02 B509 6D29 2B25 C718 3531 FF7F
  3. i change #8 (9).
    230D --> D23 (0 00011 01001 00011) rgb (24 72 24)
    on photoshop :
  4. change into rgb (24 40 128) must on 8 bit.
  5. rgb(24,40,128) -->
    10000 ==> 16x8 = b(128)
    00101 ==> 5x8 = g(40)
    00011 ==> 3x8 = r(24)
    ??? = 10000 00101 00011 --> 16547 (40A3) --> A3 40
    128 40 24
  6. done (*sorry* i write this i was sleepy i was wrong on calculate them z.z but now fixed)

can see on :

- http://code.google.com/p/tinke/wiki/NCLR

- http://llref.emutalk.net/docs/?file=xml/nclr.xml#xml-doc


btw if you are lazy to calculate them by yourself? for where no have much time and need fast method one is using this tools is have binary convertert to text or binary and much more usefull one.


i was create a simple tools for this.... is just calculate only not edit nclr it self. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/nclr%208bit%20calculation.7z


Edited by Andibad
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