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I have to start off with I'm not too familiar with Pokegen since I've used PokeSav for most of my pokemon making career. So, that being said I followed the tutorial to a T and successfully made the pokemon though I still came up with this issue.

First off, sometimes when I save using Pokegen it will corrupt my game files, usually the .nds rom and sometimes requires that I reformat my miniSD. Second off...when it doesn't happen to corrupt those files, if I try to look at the summary of the pokemon it will freeze on a black screen.

I'm only at the beginning of the game and I don't really need to look at the summary of the pokemon...but I got everything to work but the above problems...please respond.

using Pokegen it will corrupt my game files, usually the .nds rom

PokeGen only edits sav files.

if I try to look at the summary of the pokemon it will freeze on a black screen

That's the antipiracy of the ROM; again that's not an issue with PokeGen.


Well not sure why after using Pokegen it would corrupt files...but I guess it might be something else.

Ah...so if I patch the game would I be able to?


I've seen so many screwed up save files come from those cards that I highly doubt that it's PokeGen's fault. I can't say what you might be doing wrong, if anything, however.

I'd need to see before/after files, exact steps being taken, and whether or not this reliably occurs, to be able to determine if PokeGen is at fault.


The exact thing that I do is manipulate the pokemon, set, save, eject SDcard, enter it into card, start up. And I've noticed only after using Pokegen that sometimes files in the SD card are corrupted...it's the only program I'm using besides pulling out the SDcard.

Unless pulling out the SD card is somehow corrupting the files...who knows.

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