pokemonfan Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 (edited) Combee power..never underestimate the bee! I played pearl again and had a little fun battling maylene and I thought I'd share it with you [sprite]415[/sprite] VS [sprite]307[/sprite] Combee level 36 VS Meditite level 27 Combee used air cutter...meditite avoided the attack Meditite used meditate Meditite's attack rose ______________ The honey bee will blow you into oblivion you meditating pokemon! Combee used air cutter Its super effective (brings down into yellow) Meditite used meditate Meditite's attack rose _____________________ Combee's winning! Combee uses gust Meditite faints ____________ Yes go combee sting him to a pulp! Combee level 36 VS level 27 Machoke [sprite]415[/sprite] VS [sprite]067[/sprite] Combee used Air cutter its super effective critical hit (only one HP point left for machoke) Machoke used karate chop its not that very effective (loses 9HP) _______________ Yay now maylene will foolishly heal! So I can just humiliate her machoke again Leader maylene used a super potion (fully restored machoke now ugh) Combee used gust Its super effective (machoke is now in the green because gust isn't the greatest stab attack) _______________________ Ah if only it was a critical hit -.- Combee used air cutter its super effective (machoke almost dead) Machoke used foresight Machoke identified combee ______________________ You die now machoke! Combee used gust Machoke fainted Combee grew to a level 37! Yay level up! _____________________ Go combee its your birthday its your birthday! [sprite]415[/sprite] VS [sprite]448[/sprite] Combee level 37 VS Lucario level 30 .... Combee used air cutter (stupid steel side! it hardly did a thing!) Lucario used force palm (brings down just a tad) _____________________ Criticals, berries, and a powerful metal claw Combee used air cutter Critical hit (yes!) Lucario restored its health with a sitrus berry (crap!) Lucario used metal claw (crap it almost killed me) Combee restored itself with an oran berry (yes but my bee is almost dead >.>) ______________________ come on hang in there! Combee used air cutter Lucario used metal claw Lucario's attack missed (yes the bee could do it after all!) ___________________ it missed you can still do this combee! Combee used air cutter Lucario used metal claw Combee faints (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) I guess not -__________- ___________________ well the fun ended but now drifblim gets to pown [sprite]426[/sprite] VS [sprite]448[/sprite] Drifblim level 40 VS Lucario (low health) level 30 I could've done this gym easily but I wanted to have fun with combee :tongue: Drifblim used ominous wind...lucario faints _____________________ Combee rocked! Yay go combee (nicknamed honey bee...) "Bees aren't meant to sweep" ~Wraith89 after he swept me with beedrill >.> Comments? ________________________ Edited July 7, 2009 by wraith89
wraith89 Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 Well, that bee was a bit overleveled, but I'm surprised that Air Cutter got Lucario up to the danger zone (although admittedly it was a critical). I don't get it. Does this belong here? o_O Anyways, nice job. And I have an idea... everyone's crazy gym leader tales can go in one topic. How's that sound?
pokemonfan Posted June 27, 2009 Author Posted June 27, 2009 wraith89 said: Well, that bee was a bit overleveled, but I'm surprised that Air Cutter got Lucario up to the danger zone (although admittedly it was a critical).I don't get it. Does this belong here? o_O Anyways, nice job. And I have an idea... everyone's crazy gym leader tales can go in one topic. How's that sound? It was a bit over leveled but seriously...a male combee I was sure maylene would've taken it out earlier but no. Lucario's steel side made him harder for combee. It actually got lucario down to the low yellow zone then drifblim finished it but there was still a level 41 infernape, level 40 gengar, level 36 misdreavus, and some others waiting in line to destroy so I had the gym covered. If metal claw hadn't missed the 2nd time combee would've died earlier. Does this belong here? I had trouble deciding where to put it.
wraith89 Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 It's quite impressive though... because items such as X Attack and X Speed and stuff like that weren't used.
pokemonfan Posted June 28, 2009 Author Posted June 28, 2009 Thanks for the compliment wraith I'm glad my bee came through for me :tongue: I'm battling fantina now this will be fun. _____-----------------------------------____ Battle of the clones! OH how I love ghost types. I've trained my ghosts well for their battle against their clones. Now it is time for them to prove themselves! Or maybe not... [sprite]426[/sprite] VS [sprite]426[/sprite] Level 40 drifblim VS level 32 drifblim...mine is the level 40..go blimp! Blimp used ominous wind! its super effective and it leaves drifblim with one HP left..! Dang, its alive! Drifblim follows up with ominous wind and blimp survives! FYI blimp is my drifblim ________________________ [sprite]426[/sprite] VS [sprite]426[/sprite] Ugh she healed her ghosty Blimp used ominous wind It fainted, the potion must not have been a full regeneration! ____________________________ Ugh its mismagius why'd I put in gengar? Time to switch _________________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] No they're the same levels! Alright for these clones..mine is missy ------------------------- Mismagius used psywave (no its faster!) Missy has become confused (no this isn't good) MIssy's attack has missed! (oh great) ------------------------- [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Let's do this missy! Mismagius used magical leaf (crap now that stupid flash wont do a thing) Missy used psybeam (hardly anything) ______________________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Not looking good here Mismagius used psybeam Missy hurt itself in its confusiong (stop it emo ghost!) Ugh, why wont mismagius snap out of it! __________________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Time to heal! Mismagius used psybeam (I"m left with 2 HP ) Missy snapped out of its confusion (thank goodness!) Missy used pain split (oh yeah its healing time!) No mismagius healed with the sitrus berry! _____________________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Pain split again! Mismagius used magical leaf (down to 15 HP ) Missy used pain split (take that you little...) Yay I'm healed back to 37 HP but still not good.. _______________________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] pain split again? Why not? Mismagius used confuse ray (no!) Missy used pain split It hurt itself in its confusion (emo ghost :tongue:) __________________ [sprite]429[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Dont hurt yourself! Mismagius used shadow ball Missy fainted To late obviously mismagius was better then missy __________________ Ugh I sent out gengar again *slaps head and gengar* Sends out the blimp ___________________ HOpefully the blimp will cover and then the gengar's duel it out __________________ [sprite]426[/sprite] VS [sprite]429[/sprite] Drifblim used ominous wind Mismagius faints Gengar time! ____________________ [sprite]094[/sprite] VS [sprite]094[/sprite] Gengar level 40 VS gengar level 34 Mine will be gen for now ---- Gen used hypnosis..it missed I dropped my DS so I missed Gengar's move but nothing happened to HP so whatever ______________ [sprite]094[/sprite] VS [sprite]094[/sprite] Go gengar! Oh wait..which one? Gen used hypnosis=nap time Gengar is fast asleep ____________ [sprite]094[/sprite] VS [sprite]094[/sprite] time to die clone! Gen used shadow ball its super effective Gengar has fainted! ______________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed the battle of the clones! My pokes Blimp level 40 Gengar level 40 Mismagius level 36 (it lost but fought valiantly) Fantina's pokes Drifblim level 32 Gengar level 34 And mismagius level 36 (it was the only poke to put up a fight) ____________________________ Comments?
HottSushiz Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 wraith89 said: It's quite impressive though... because items such as X Attack and X Speed and stuff like that weren't used. Yeah the odd thing when i was playing Pokemon Platinum, commonly Trainer/Gym leaders are actually using those items, although when i played Pokemon Diamond, i never came across a Trainer/Gym Leader using those X items.
pokemonfan Posted June 28, 2009 Author Posted June 28, 2009 Ok so I've made it to canalave..did a little training on iron island to get my heracross, nicknamed hercules, up to speed a little bit for the gym so he can make an awesome debut in canalave city. He would've appeared in hearthome delivering blows with night slash but I decided the battle of the clones would be more fun. ------------------------------------------------------ FYI my heracross is nicknamed hercules [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]436[/sprite] Level 39 Heracross VS Level 36 Bronzor Hercules used brick break down into the high yellow Bronzor used hypnosis Bronzor's attack missed Thank goodness that missed ____________________________ [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]436[/sprite] Brick break again! Hercules used brick break Bronzor fainted _______________________ [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]411[/sprite] Level 39 heracross VS level 39 bastiodon If you punch steel your hands aren't gonna hurt at all heracross so use close combat! Hercules used close combat Its super effective Hercules's defense and special defense fell Bastiodon fainted Sweet! Now steelix should be a sinch __________________________ [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]208[/sprite] Level 39 Heracross VS level 36 steelix Punch it hard hercules! Hercules used close combat its super effective Steelix used gyro ball Hercules loses 52 HP points Say what? How'd that thing survive. Oh well..now byron will heal and I'll have to close combat all over again _______________________________ [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]208[/sprite] Ugh he healed! Heracross used close combat its super effective hercules's defense and special defense fell die steelix! _______________________________ [sprite]214[/sprite] VS [sprite]208[/sprite] Hercules used close combat Steelix fainted Yay another gym badge for me! ____________________________ FAQ Q: This is dull A: I know Q: How come when you punch steel its super effective? A: Because the people at game freak tried it themselves and they're to um..thick...to realize what happened Q: Why does byron stink so bad? A: Because heracross owns Q: why is this FAQ so short A: Cause it is ___________________________ Go heracross!
empoleonmikel Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Now it's better your pokemon were not over-leveled when they fought the "steel leader". Nice one PF
wraith89 Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 ------------------------------------------------------ [sprite]041[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] X.X used Wing Attack A critical hit! It's super effective! Turtwig used Reflect! The foe's team's defense rose! GRRR Reflect!!! ____________________________ [sprite]041[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] X.X used Wing Attack Turtwig used Razor Leaf! A critical hit! It's not very effective... Aw come on! I resist that 4x and it does major damage! _______________________ [sprite]041[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] Gym Leader Gardenia used Super Potion! What?! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! Hercules used Wing Attack! It's super effective! GRRRRRR __________________________ [sprite]041[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] X.X used Wing Attack It's super effective! Turtwig used Razor Leaf! A critical hit! It's not very effective... Are you kidding me? Another critical??? _______________________________ [sprite]041[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] X.X used Wing Attack It's super effective! Turtwig used Razor Leaf! A critical hit! It's not very effective... X.X fainted! ... no way! You can't be serious! _______________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]387[/sprite] Shogun sent out SHODDY! SHODDY's Intimidate cut the foe's attack! Foe Turtwig's reflect faded! SHODDY used Wing Attack It's super effective! Foe Turtwig fainted! ... man that Turtwig's a beast ____________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]421[/sprite] Gym Leader Gardenia sent out Cherrim! Foe Cherrim used Leech Seed! SHODDY was seeded! SHODDY used Wing Attack! It's super effective! Leech seed sapped SHODDY's health! ... EWWW Leech Seed! BTW my Staravia is Quiet nature... fail ____________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]421[/sprite] Gym Leader Gardenia sent out Cherrim! Foe Cherrim used Magical Leaf! A critical hit! It's not very effective! SHODDY used Wing Attack! It's super effective! Foe Cherrim fainted! ... Another critical? Are you kidding me?? ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Gym Leader Gardenia sent out Roserade! SHODDY come back! Go Mew2! Foe Roserade used Grass Knot! It's not very effective! Mew2 used Curse! Mew2's Speed fell! Mew2's Attack rose! Mew2's Defense rose! ... Man, Grass Knot did major damage! At least it's not another critical >.> ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective! Mew2 used Curse! Mew2's Speed fell! Mew2's Attack rose! Mew2's Defense rose! ... AHHH! Low health! Time to heal up! ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Shogun used Super Potion! Mew2 regained 50 HP! Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective! ... AHHH! Low health! Time to heal up! ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective! Mew2 used Curse! Mew2's Speed fell! Mew2's Attack rose! Mew2's Defense rose! ... ugh, time to heal again. ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Shogun used Super Potion! Mew2 regained 50 HP! Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective! ... AHHH! Low health! Time to heal up! ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective! Mew2 used Curse! Mew2's Speed fell! Mew2's Attack rose! Mew2's Defense rose! 3 curses. Time to heal up and tackle! ____________________________ [sprite]388[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Shogun used Super Potion! Mew2 regained 50 HP! Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! A critical hit! It's not very effective! Mew2 fainted! Wait... what?!! No, please, no!!! Don't tell me that... NOOO!!! All those Super Potions and Curse, gone to waste! EVIL CRITICAL HITS! Even in-game, Lady Luck hates me. ____________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Shogun sent out SHODDY! SHODDY's Intimidate cut the foe's attack! Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective... SHODDY used Endeavor Foe Roserade's Sitrus Berry restored its health! ... NO! STUPID Sitrus Berry! ____________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] Foe Roserade used Magical Leaf! It's not very effective... SHODDY used Endeavor ... well, that does it. Now I know exactly what to do ____________________________ [sprite]397[/sprite] VS [sprite]407[/sprite] SHODDY used Quick Attack! Foe Roserade fainted! ... Cool! And I didn't even have to use Noctowl ____________________________ Man, the second gym is tough I really don't think I can get through this game without grinding...
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