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Yo from Sup@Fr0


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Hi everyone, as mentioned above, I'm Sup@Fr0. I'm new to forums and such, but not new to Pokemon. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Silver, which was also my first Gameboy game. I'm basically a black market of Pokemon games. I own every Pokemon game (aside from the Mystery Dungeon, and non-rpg ones) I do have a 2 questions, though. 1 regarding PokeSav and 1 regarding downloaded Pokemon.

First, how do I access the Pal Park in the lower right-hand corner of the PokeSav screen? A screenshot has been attached so that you get what I'm talking about.

Second, I just downloaded an Wander Card event Pokemon and I want to know how to add that pokemon to my Pokemon Platinum game.

-Thanks for reading, and sorry my Intro was too long.




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Hello There.

Pal Park for Pokesav Platinum is inaccessible, for reasons i can't seem to remember, it's either Com hasn't written the script, or it's hasn't been programmed yet, something in the lines of that. :tongue:

As for wander cards, (wonder) i haven't really learned much about them, so I'm not the guy you should be asking.

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