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Pokemon Black - Crystal tile 2 help

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I've been following a tutorial to replace some graphics in bw.. http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=244408

However, whenever I get to the point of inserting my new image, it always just disappears after double clicking! It says in the guide that this is because the measurements arn't the same as the original, but i've triple checked and they are. In fact, to do a test, I exported the original image, drew a quick yellow line over it then imported it back in, and it STILL disappears :mad:

Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it?

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you'll need to expand the size of the file you're trying to change. In this case, it needs to be the tiles (NCGR?). Open up that file in a hex editor and add in a lot of 00's at the end. That's how I did it anyway, but there may be a more 'elegant' solution.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you'll need to expand the size of the file you're trying to change. In this case, it needs to be the tiles (NCGR?). Open up that file in a hex editor and add in a lot of 00's at the end. That's how I did it anyway, but there may be a more 'elegant' solution.

Added a bunch of 00's to the NCGR and still gives me the same result :x How many 00's did you add?

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