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I have run into a strange problem with PokeGen. I'm pretty sure its with PokeGen because I've meticulously ruled out everything else. Here's what is happening:

It has been a month since I last used any save state editors for a Pokemon game, including PokeGen. The last time I did so, I didn't have any problems. Then, yesterday, I used my NDS Adaptor Plus to load save files from my SoulSilver and Platinum versions. I then created a copy of each of those saves to use for a little editing (I always keep a copy of the latest save that was known to work without any issues). I proceeded to edit a few things in PokeGen. In the Platinum save, I duplicated a Carvanha that was in one of my PC Boxes, and placed the duplicate into another box. On SoulSilver, I duplicated a Happiny from one box to another, as well as duplicating a shiny Misdreavus that I was lucky enough to have caught in the Safari Zone. My intention was to evolve the Happiny with an Oval Stone, and to trade the Misdreavus to Platinum in exchange for the Carvanha I had duplicated in that game.

Here's where things get weird: I transferred the edited saves back to the proper game cards (which are retail versions bought brand new in North America, not R4 cards or something like that) and then booted the games, SoulSilver in my DS Lite and Platinum in my 3DS. They started up fine, with no problems whatsoever. I then moved the aforementioned pokemon from their respective PC Boxes into each game's party, and proceeded to enter the Union Room. However, the moment I walked one character (SoulSilver's) over to the Platinum character and pressed "A" to talk to him, both games displayed a blue screen that read something like this: (SoulSilver) "A communication error has occurred. Press A to return to the title screen." The message for Platinum was longer, but essentially said the same thing, except that it kicked me back to the Union Room instead of the title screen.

Needless to say, since I've never had any problem like this before with save state editors, I initially suspected the problem lay with the 3DS. So, I shut off both games, and moved Platinum over to my brother's DS Lite. I repeated the trade attempt, only to get the same error message at the exact same point in the process. After that, I began to suspect a PokeGen problem. So I turned off both games, put them back in the NDS Adaptor Plus, and transferred the unedited game saves I had made at the beginning of this whole process. Then I put each game in a DS Lite and tried to trade once more.

This time, I didn't get the error. I was somewhat relieved, but also puzzled. So I created new copies of my latest working saves, and edited them again with PokeGen, this time being careful not to accidentally click or change anything other than what I wanted to change. I put the games back in the systems, and entered the Union Room a third time, and as soon as I pressed "A" on the other character, I received the exact same error as before.

This made me suspect a problem with PokeGen even more, because the error didn't occur when I used game saves that hadn't been edited within the last month or so, and it did occur when I used game saves that had been edited that same day. So, once again, I restored the known working game saves to their proper versions, and then proceeded to create two new copies of them, this time with Pokesav. I performed the very same edits as I had with PokeGen, then saved my work, transferred the edited saves to the game cards, and entered the Union Room for fourth time.

This time, I was able to trade with no problems at all. Needless to say, I'm thoroughly confused. I hope this bug report will help me fix this problem, because I've come to prefer working in PokeGen instead of Pokesav, especially for Black and White, because my BW Pokesav doesn't have English names for Pokemon, items, places, etc.

Anyway, here is some additional info to help figure this out.

My version of PokeGen: 3.0.5

Operating System: Windows XP Pro with all the latest updates and working, up-to-date antivirus software

Hardware: Late 2007 Apple Macbook (dual-booting Windows via Apple's Boot Camp)

Also, I am including the relevant save files so you can take a look at them:

Here's a list of which save file is which:

These first two files are the ones that were simply a backup of Platinum and SoulSilver with no edits at all. They are known to cause no problems.

Pokemon Platinum JMA 06-16-2012 01.sav

Pokemon SoulSilver JMA 06-16-2012 01.sav

This second set of files are the ones edited in Pokegen that were causing the communication error in the Union Room.

Pokemon Platinum JMA 06-16-2012 01 Edit Pokegen.sav

Pokemon SoulSilver JMA 06-16-2012 01 Edit Pokegen.sav

This last set of files are the ones that were edited in Pokesav and didn't cause any problems either.

Pokemon Platinum JMA 06-16-2012 01 Edit Pokesav.sav

Pokemon SoulSilver JMA 06-16-2012 01 Edit Pokesav.sav

Pokemon Platinum&#32.sav

Pokemon SoulSilv&#10.sav

Pokemon SoulSilv&#10.sav

Pokemon Platinum&#32.sav

Pokemon SoulSilv&#10.sav

Pokemon Platinum&#32.sav

Pokemon Platinum .savFetching info...

Pokemon SoulSilv .savFetching info...

Pokemon SoulSilv .savFetching info...

Pokemon Platinum .savFetching info...

Pokemon SoulSilv .savFetching info...

Pokemon Platinum .savFetching info...


There's currently an error in 3.0.5 that causes Platinum to have data written to an area that I don't know the purpose of, and it could very well be causing something like this to occur. This isn't the case for HG/SS, however, so if it actually is PokeGen's fault, there's something else causing it. I'll see if I can determine any problems. Thanks for the detail.

Edit: I'm seeing significant Pokedex edits between the first and second Platinum save files. Did you specifically do anything with the Pokedex dialog?

Edit 2: You need to check these attached files. Their filenames don't match what's in your post, and I'm beginning to think the order they're displayed on this page isn't matching your post either. I can't really do anything until you fix that, assuming there's a problem.

Edit 3: Between all of the Soul Silver files, there are Pokedex modifications. You said that one was supposedly only modified with Pokesav, but if that were the case, these Pokedex modifications couldn't exist unless you encountered new random Pokemon between saving.

Edit 4: One of the Soul Silver files is clearly modified by PokeGen, but contains nothing unusual. Unless there are specific Pokedex changes that're somehow causing the Union Room to fail, this doesn't look like a PokeGen problem. The data is being set correctly, just like the games could.


I don't know what is going on with the attached files. I uploaded them in the order listed and with the proper names. I think the upload tool for this website (which I had never used before yesterday) is doing something to them, because the filenames of the actual attachments to my post are different than the names of the files I actually uploaded. Perhaps the site is truncating them? I'll see what I can do about that.

As for the known PokeGen error regarding Platinum saves, from what I've seen, I'm guessing that may have been the cause of this whole mess. To me, the symptoms seem to fit. Since I was trading between a SoulSilver and Platinum, it is likely that the Platinum error you mentioned is the cause. Had I been trading between a different pair of versions (e.g. SoulSilver and HeartGold) the error you mentioned probably would not have caused the symptoms I experienced. My nephew has a HeartGold version, so I might try trading between it and SS (after editing SS with PokeGen) to see what happens. If that is the cause, then it doesn't worry me much, since I don't use my Platinum very often anymore, and I edit it even less than I play it.

As for the Pokedex edits you are seeing in the Platinum files, I have no clue. I'm fairly certain I didn't even touch the Pokedex editor part of PokeGen when creating those two save files. Maybe I did something to edit the Pokedex and didn't realize it. I am kind of new to PokeGen. Could these edits have something to do with the "Update Pokedex on Set" option in the Options Menu? 'Cause that option is currently checked. Again, I may be using the program incorrectly. The only thing I know for sure is I did not use the Pokedex Tool on the Tools menu when editing these files with PokeGen, and I have no clue how the Pokedex edits got into the SoulSilver files, or the ones edited with Pokesav.

At any rate, I'm pretty sure this problem has something to do with the known Platinum bug you mentioned at the beginning of your post, because, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever edited my Platinum with PokeGen before yesterday. So, if you want, you can go ahead and mark this issue resolved. Thanks for your help, and thanks for making such a great program. Keep up the good work!

  Ailuros said:
My nephew has a HeartGold version, so I might try trading between it and SS (after editing SS with PokeGen) to see what happens.

It would be nice if you can do that and post what happens.

Could these edits have something to do with the "Update Pokedex on Set" option in the Options Menu? 'Cause that option is currently checked.

Yes. If you add new Pokemon via PokeGen, it will flag those in the Pokedex. I'm pretty sure you added at least two, but if it was no more than that, I don't understand the degree of changes that're visible in the Pokedex. It would help if I knew for certain which save file was which.

  • 7 months later...

Dear Sir/Madam,

Is the issue with PokéGen resolved and is it know why the Union Room crashes when trading?

The reason I ask, is because I have the same problem as the original post with my HeartGold.

I created a "clone" of my starter (Typhlosion, but then with IVs 31 and EVs 85) and since than, I cannot trade on the Union Room anymore. Is there a get around the problem, because PokeGen rocks, but I finished both HeartGold and SoulSilver and the only thing I need to do is trade between the two.

My deepest thanks in advance.

(P.S. I hope it's okay I used this old thread to ask the question)

  • 3 weeks later...

i have the same problems to codr :(,

the last time i used it i could online with the pokemon maked of pokegen , now each pokemon of other games then black or white games wont get cross the legit checker

if i make it 4 gen (travel from gen 4)

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