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Inserting New Text in White

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Alright, here is where I am at. Thanks to Drayano, I have customized one of the Darmanitan statues to look like a Truck in the desert resort which when given a RageCandyBar activates a battle with Mew. The trick is, I only customized one of them, not all 5. The other 4 remain as they were.

Now, I believe I can change what item the Truck requires for battle, pretty sure I customized that while I was messing with hex values. So that's not too much of an issue.

What is an issue is the script. I have gotten so far as to recognize that A6 in the string 2E00A600 seems coorelates with text block 166 in PPTXT in the a003 narc. I'm not sure how it decides to select which part of the dialogue it will use though. Here is the dialogue in 166:


Professor Juniper: Hi there, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xf000븁\x0000

I heard about these Pokémon statues,\xfffeand I came to look into their origins!\xf000븁\x0000

I've learned that each of these Pokémon\xfffestatues is actually a real Pokémon!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeIt's called Darmanitan. It's sleeping,\xfffeso it's become like a stone.\xf000븁\x0000

When I quickly measured how long\xfffethey've existed...\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeIt was amazing! Around 2,500 years!\xfffeSeems like they went to sleep that\xf000븀\x0000\xfffelong ago.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThat means they've been here since\xfffebefore this place was in ruins, when\xf000븀\x0000\xfffethe Relic Castle was flourishing.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffePerhaps they were guarding the city.\xf000븁\x0000

These Pokémon...\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThey are either in a state of hibernation\xfffeor meditation, so if you wake them, they\xf000븀\x0000\xfffewill become active once again.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeAnd the item that wakes up Darmanitan is\xfffeactually...this RageCandyBar!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThat's why I will share one with you,\xfffetoo, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xf000븁\x0000

Well, I'm headed back to the\xfffePokémon Research Lab.\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeBe seeing you!\xf000븁\x0000

It appears to be a statue of a Pokémon.

Give the RageCandyBar to the\xfffePokémon statue?

The ancient Pokémon statue responded to\xfffethe RageCandyBar.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThe Pokémon was a sleeping Darmanitan!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThe awakened Darmanitan attacked!\xf000븁\x0000

Cheren: Stop, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xf000븁\x0000

Cheren: That's the entrance to the\xfffeRelic Castle.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeYou're impressive, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000,\xfffemaking it here before I did.\xf000븁\x0000

Dealing with the Desert Resort's Pokémon\xfffetook longer than I would've thought.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeI only made it all the way out here\xfffethanks to my Pokémon.\xf000븁\x0000

Alder went on ahead. Let's hurry.

Cheren: It's hard to put into words...\xfffebut I'll never forgive them for this!\xf000븁\x0000

Alder: What could that guy called\xfffeN possibly want?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeCould he be trying to prove he is\xffferight by winning the battle of the\xf000븀\x0000\xfffetwo dragons?\xf000븁\x0000

The Xtransceiver is ringing.

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 picked up the Xtransceiver.\xf000븁\x0000

Alder: I could hear Professor Juniper's\xfffevoice from clear over here!\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeSeems like something big is happening.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeI wonder what is waiting at the museum\xfffein Nacrene City.\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeI'll go on ahead!\xf000븁\x0000

Cheren: I'll look around here once more.\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeI don't want to believe what\xfffethat Ghetsis says...\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeYou should head for the\xfffeNacrene City Museum.

I came clear out to the Desert Resort\xfffeto train, but...\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeThere are so many Ground-type Pokémon,\xfffeand I'm already in tatters...

You're the first person to come\xfffeclear out here to talk to me!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeI'm so moved!\xfffeSo, I'll give you this!\xf000븁\x0000

If a Pokémon holds this Soft Sand, the\xfffepower of its Ground-type moves goes up!

According to what I've heard, that\xfffeRelic Castle is the ruins of a city built\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeby the hero of old and the dragon\xf000븀\x0000\xfffePokémon that accompanied the hero.

Oh! A sea of sand! I don't need\xfffeGo-Goggles here!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeOh, I've come here all the way from\xfffethe Hoenn region.


It is the bold text that I am interested in and how it is referred to. Here is the hex code that refers to this part of the script when you enter the battle with Mew:

2E 00 A6 00 47 05 28 00 24 80 00 00 B8 00 F8 01 01 00 24 80 09 00 24 80 08 00 01 00 11 00 01 00 1F 00 FF 97 00 00 00 34 00 07 00 02 00 47 00 10 80 09 00 10 80 08 00 00 00 11 00 01 00 1F 00 FF 72 00 00 00 28 00 25 80 00 00 B6 00 F8 01 01 00 25 80 09 00 25 80 08 00 01 00 11 00 01 00 1F 00 FF 4B 00 00 00 23 00 98 02 04 00 C9 02 00 00 34 00 08 00 02 00 36 00 28 00 26 80 00 00 04 00 10 03 00 00 78 01 97 00 23 00 20 80 7B 01 26 80 09 00 26 80 08 00 01 00 11 00 01 00 1F 00 FF 0C 00 00 00 6C 00 11 80 79 01 1E 00 02 00 00 00 7A 01 1E 00 02 00 00 00 36 00 1E 00 0A 00 00 00 34 00 06 00 02 00 32 00 36 00 30 00 2F 00 02 00

I've been looking at ways at which an offset could be determined, like if it's the number of lines in the dialogue, the number of breaks (\xfffe), the number of characters, the number of words, or what, but I cannot find a hex value that relates whatsoever.

What I want to be able to do is insert my own custom text that says something along the lines of "Use Potion on the truck?

A wild Mew emerged from underneath!"

but I'll need to know how the game reads this text. I plan to insert that text in the end of the block and just have it call it when it needs.

May as well ask it here as well, my next step will be instead of asking to use an item on the truck, if I could use Strength (to really match that old rumor from the good old days of RBY) as a move to activate Mew. So if anyone has any ideas as to how that will be accomplished, I'd love for you to share them. My plan was to look for where Cut is used on trees (as I found an overworld sprite to a tree while messing around and creating a truck icon, so I have some clues as to what to look for) and work off of that code and see if I can't impose it upon the Mew here.

For reference, RageCandyBar is the item required to activate Mew right now and it's hex value is 01F8, so in that first line of hex I posted, you can see where F801 is and that indeed refers to ragecandybar.

Thanks to whomever can help me create customized text.

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