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Having trouble making shiny Pokemon in Black w/ AR


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I'm trying to make a shiny Charmander using Pokegen's AR code. When I apply the code, everything is perfect, except he isn't shiny. Moves, hold item, etc are all there and work fine. The shiny box is checked on Pokegen, and the PID says it's shiny.

Here's the code:

94000130 FFFB0000

022349B4 A4E67BBB

022349B8 8A6D0000

022349BC 6F99E7FC

022349C0 F50BCFCD

022349C4 DF0AD2DE

022349C8 839B843A

022349CC 023795C8

022349D0 A08B1D66

022349D4 F6F61BD0

022349D8 3E791483

022349DC 30F1112F

022349E0 8BAFEDA6

022349E4 5786C110

022349E8 7433A0F6

022349EC E6370911

022349F0 089817A5

022349F4 048AE616

022349F8 36D5CD20

022349FC C3CFD277

02234A00 C1AB63F9

02234A04 84D995A1

02234A08 2D0F501E

02234A0C 8F5693FF

02234A10 EFE22A7A

02234A14 D3E5D6A5

02234A18 524A2187

02234A1C 33761C49

02234A20 CF09FD59

02234A24 BE026A57

02234A28 63F90A87

02234A2C 6E75EA64

02234A30 8A8E72A5

02234A34 85355641

02234A38 314CCF5F

02234A3C 34CB9D78

02234A40 3CD01697

02234A44 10B22587

02234A48 74C47910

02234A4C ED6EA6CE

02234A50 505713B6

02234A54 A1404F09

02234A58 2ABD9C04

02234A5C 4B8585E4

02234A60 68C86D61

02234A64 31F9A065

02234A68 AF9DC68C

02234A6C C5D6D164

02234A70 B4C73D89

02234A74 0401DA0B

02234A78 FB928DC7

02234A7C A47E3E97

02234A80 13992484

02234A84 CD25035F

02234A88 2C9E0F70

02234A8C 3B953615

D2000000 00000000

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Try this, When i loaded it in poke gen it did not show that it was shiny so I reset the PID and checked the shiny box.

94000130 FFFB0000
0221BFB0 8A6D0000
0221BFB4 6F11E7B2
0221BFB8 C3B7E1A4
0221BFC0 819BC67C
0221BFC4 6F6FA040
0221BFC8 A08B363B
0221BFD0 3E791D01
0221BFD4 30791161
0221BFD8 BD13C3CF
0221BFDC 5786C170
0221BFE0 7633E2B0
0221BFE4 8B6F3C99
0221BFE8 08983CF8
0221BFEC 088BE614
0221BFF0 36D5C4A2
0221BFF4 C3CFD277
0221BFF8 C1AB63F9
0221BFFC 84D995A1
0221C000 2D0F501E
0221C004 8F5693FF
0221C008 EFE22A7A
0221C00C D3E5D6A5
0221C010 524A2187
0221C014 33761C49
0221C018 CF09FD59
0221C01C BE026A57
0221C020 63F90A87
0221C024 6E75EA64
0221C028 8A8E72A5
0221C02C 85355641
0221C030 314CCF5F
D2000000 00000000

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