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Posted (edited)

My Main Team


(And Yes, all type weaknesses are covered in some type of way)



Super Nova (Jirachi) @ Expert Belt

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SDef / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Fire Punch

- Ice Punch

- Iron Head

This guy is an attacking lead, and he can force many switch outs. Against sandstorm teams, this can kill against Tyranitar with Iron Head, and Hippowdon with Ice Punch.


Rapid Spinner

Starmie @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Surf

- Rapid Spin

- Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt

This gal is a great rapid spinner, and could be a potential sweeper. She could spin out, dish some damage, and maybe even sweep! Ice Beam takes care of many Dragons that roam around here, and Thunderbolt is also a good move too. Surf= Great STAB move.


Wall #1

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Iron Barbs

Nature: Relaxed

EVs: 252 HP/48 Def/208 Sp.Def

~Thunder Wave


~Leech Seed

~Gyro Ball

This is a guy who can deal some SERIOUS damage, and wall plenty of things. With Thunder Wave, it can set up Spikes and Leech Seed, and deals GREAT Damage. Gyro Ball, is just a stab move.


Special Sweeper

Zeus (Thundurus) (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Focus Blast

The Potential Nasty Plot sweeper of the team. Use Nasty Plot as much as I can before I reach 1 HP. Next step, Sweep as many pokemon possible.



Gliscary (Gliscor) (M) @ Toxic Orb

Trait: Poison Heal

EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Protect

- Fling

- Earthquake

- Acrobatics

He has some awesome stall options. He can use Protect, gets the poison, Flings the poison, and uses protect to stall more. Also, Earthquake, and Acrobatics have STAB, and are strong moves.


Physical Sweeper

Infernape (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Blaze

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Mach Punch

- Close Combat

- Flare Blitz

Infernape, is very strong with STAB Priority and strong moves + a life orb. U-Turn can switch out of threats, as long as he is faster.


So, thats my team. Rate it, and stuff. Thanks!

Edited by AEROJAY
Posted (edited)

I feel like you're somewhat weak to Excadrill. Also, you don't have another way to deal with Conkeldurr. How does your lead fair against Deoxys-S? Don't you essentially let him set up at least 2 layers?

Also, a little more analysis would help, as well as maybe your mindset? look at other RMTs and then look at yours. Also, the Fling Acrobatics Gliscor set is a bad staller, compared to dedicated stalling sets.

I'll do a full on rate after you fix this up a bit.

Edited by wraith89
Japanese names to English

I don't see why Excadrill is a threat. Conkeldurr, yes, but i dont see them much, which is weird. and same with Deoxys. Gliscor for me works pretty well.


I'm a little out of touch but from what I can see ferrothorn is redundant. You have Jirachi and gliscor on team and they make a beastly defencive core, Use jirachi in thorn's place.

Jirachi @ Leftovers


240 HP / 228 SpD / 44 Spe

- Iron Head

- Wish

- Body Slam

- Stealth Rock

The thing is, Jirachi provides support in form of health and hazards, like ferrothorn with paralysis and flinchax. For your bulky water troubles you have starmie.

This now nicely frees up a spot on your team for a good lead, whatever that may entail. I wouldn't be adverse to the idea of putting thunderus in lead position with Thunderwave (volt Switch) / Taunt / Thunderbolt / Focus Blast.

Your Gliscor set pairs nicely with the new jirachi.

Infernape, I feel, should almost always be mixed even if it's a no invest-fire blast, it means you can OHKO things like Skarmory with ease, and that's always nice.

with one spot left on team let's look at who you're weak against...

Number one enemy of this team seems to be Landolos(sp) Rock polish = gg for you.

You should be beating excadrill most of the time

Terrakion should also go down easily enough, unless you lose ape then you're in trouble

Now, without thunderwave on thunderus you're pretty susceptible to DD mence

Reuniclus can set up on everything in your team. CB Uturn from infernape manages at best 50% on full invest reuniclus (not a 2HKO) whilst reuniclus can OHKO infernape and whole portion of your team at an easily gained +2. Your best bet here is my offered Jirachi with Paraflinching it.

Sub Roost Zapdos is going to annoy you a little too.

Heh my mind's gone blank I've forgotten my initial thoughts :( I think Stone edge on infernape would be a good idea, or even hidden power Ice. This would probably have to go over Mach Punch, but you then lose your terrakion coversage (not that you can directly switch into him anyway.)

Unaware quagsire could really help your team, but I don't want to get rid of starmie as it's doing quite a good job. Yeah, I'm a stop before I start giving bad advice.


Thanks Tbird, I like your Jirachi suggestion lots. I was thinking of this Mamoswine as a sweeper, as i really like the swine.

(From Smogon)

Mamoswine @ Expert Belt

152 HP/252 ATK/100 SpD; Adamant Nature

Ability: Thick Fat


-Icicle Drop

-Ice Shard

-Stone Edge

Also, your saying I should use thundurus as Lead? Any movesets, ev spreads? I was thinking this:

(From PO Forum)

Thundurus (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Taunt

- Thunder Wave

- Hidden Power (Ice)

- Thunderbolt

And same for Infernape, Im not sure on a moveset and ev spread :| I think I like the HP Ice idea too! :) Maybe this?

(Made by me. Im not the best :P)

Infernape@ Expert Belt


128 Atk / 252 Spd / 128 SAtk

- Mach Punch/Close Combat

- Flamethrower

- Stone Edge

- HP Ice

EDIT: Should I edit my 1st post with these movesets?

Thanks Tbird, I like your Jirachi suggestion lots. I was thinking of this Mamoswine as a sweeper, as i really like the swine.

(From Smogon)

Mamoswine @ Expert Belt

152 HP/252 ATK/100 SpD; Adamant Nature

Ability: Thick Fat


-Icicle Drop

-Ice Shard

-Stone Edge

Also, your saying I should use thundurus as Lead? Any movesets, ev spreads? I was thinking this:

(From PO Forum)

Thundurus (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Taunt

- Thunder Wave

- Hidden Power (Ice)

- Thunderbolt

And same for Infernape, Im not sure on a moveset and ev spread :| I think I like the HP Ice idea too! :) Maybe this?

(Made by me. Im not the best :P)

Infernape@ Expert Belt


128 Atk / 252 Spd / 128 SAtk

- Mach Punch/Close Combat

- Flamethrower

- Stone Edge

- HP Ice

EDIT: Should I edit my 1st post with these movesets?

I was thinking about mamoswine too, not so much as a sweeper but more for something that can attack with Ice Shard to remove things like Landolos and Gliscor. I'm not too sure how well he'd work on this team but he'd be a good option to atleast try out.

Thunderus as lead is a boss, I would personally suggest Focus Blast over HP Ice to nail people dumb enough to put their Ttar in lead.

As for infernape... Well things have changed for him with the shift, he can no longer afford to lose any speed. so 252 Spe with a Niave or hasty nature, 252 in Atk 4 in SpA And run Fire Blast, close combat, Stone Edge and Flare Blitz or Mach Punch. HP Ice + stone edge provides redundant coverage, really, so decide who you want to hit harder, Gliscor (HP ice) or Zapdos and other bulky flyers like Gyarados (Stone Edge).

The main thing I wanna see in the 6th spot is someone that can beat landolos; because in doing so you can pretty much guaratee you can beat most sand teams.

Edit your first post once you have tested changes, there's no point editing the first post if the suggestions don't work out ;)


Is Thick Fat possible with Ice Shard? I don't know if a Dream World Swinub came out yet or not... but a Dream World Mamoswine did and he has no access to Ice Shard. :/

Thundurus or Tornadus can beat Landorus just fine... provided they don't switch into Stone Edge or anything.

Posted (edited)

@ Wraith- oh, I didn't notice the ability at all. I suppose I can use snow cloak :/

@ Tbird- thanks, I will test the team later, because our hotel didn't have wifi or service. I'm on my way to LA and I should have wifi there. I can edit my post when I have tested it I guess ;)

Edit: Its working well! Im winning lots. I noticed that I am very weak to water though.

Edited by AEROJAY
tested battles

Sorry for this double post, but i just realized, you guys wouldn't realized that i edited my post. (Unless you look at it for the hell of it) So yeah, I am winning a lot, but I fail against rain teams, and pretty much water pokemon in general. Half of my team is weak to it, and my only defense is Starmie, or thundurus


Rain teams are indeed a nightmare, but you shouldn't be having too much difficulty if you're running thunderus, as there aren't many rain based water pokes that can outspeed him. And starmie should be doing a dandy job, Starmie works well against any rain teams, and with rapid spin starmie's also stopping you from being beaten by random rain stall. However, the number one rain killer is Rotom-Wash. So if you are really struggling then that might be something for you to consider. Ferrothorn is kinda cool for taking out water pokes, but I'm not sure if you still have him on team, but most bulky waters have now figured how to get around thorn (Jellicent = Will-o-wisp + Taunt, Slowbro = Flamethrower, Starmie = HP Fire)

Just try out a bunch of different stuff, but I don't see a crippling water weakness on your team (at least not on paper) what are the specific problematic pokes?


Rain teams are indeed a nightmare, but you shouldn't be having too much difficulty if you're running thunderus, as there aren't many rain based water pokes that can outspeed him. And starmie should be doing a dandy job, Starmie works well against any rain teams, and with rapid spin starmie's also stopping you from being beaten by random rain stall. However, the number one rain killer is Rotom-Wash. So if you are really struggling then that might be something for you to consider. Ferrothorn is kinda cool for taking out water pokes, but I'm not sure if you still have him on team, but most bulky waters have now figured how to get around thorn (Jellicent = Will-o-wisp + Taunt, Slowbro = Flamethrower, Starmie = HP Fire)

Just try out a bunch of different stuff, but I don't see a crippling water weakness on your team (at least not on paper) what are the specific problematic pokes?


Well, I decided. this is just one of my teams now. Im using Paraflinch Jirachi, Starmie, infernape, Thundurus lead, and gliscor. Thanks. I will be making another RMT using my NOW real team that utilizes synergy to the max. Thanks Tbird, Wraith, and Gin!

If you want, u can close this.

Edit: Also, can some of you readers Rate my sand team?

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