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Infractions are things you will recieve if another user reports your posted thread for spam or any other non-complient content. The infraction kind of looks like a Red Shard symbol which will be shown on the bottom right corner of the reported thread. Click on that Red Shard to see what report reason is assested. Infractions are worth points depending on how bad your post is. If you recieve 100 Infraction Points or more, your account is suspended until one or some of the infractions expire.

  • 4 weeks later...

To add onto this...

Infractions and Warnings expire after a set time period set by the issuer, however the only way for them to actually be removed from your CP is for an Admin to wipe them off or a server reset.

In addition to that, only yourself and an Admin can see your infractions.

  Kaori said:
In addition to that, only yourself and an Admin can see your infractions.

All moderators can see your infractions.

Also, as a side note, you don't need to be reported to be infracted.

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