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Suspected Party Data Bug When Generating ARDS Codes


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I use Pokegen 3.0b23 to create Pokemon, and then an ARDSi to insert them into my team on a retail Black version. When generating a code, I use a party count of three, and the Select button as an activator when generating the code. I always have a team of three on my file when inserting the Pokemon; the first--a junk Pokemon--get erased, while the other two are known wi-fi legals. This way I can immediately check wi-fi legality without having to fiddle around with swapping Pokemon in and out of my box. for example, I might start off with Pidove, Meinfoo, and Whimsicott. After activating the code, I would be left with Lilligant, Meinfoo, Whimsicott.

I have noticed, consistently and without fail, that when I create a Pokemon in Pokegen, even when by all accounts the .pkm file is legal, the resulting Pokemon fails wi-fi legality checks. However, if I deposit it into the PC, and then withdraw it again, the Pokemon will then pass legality checks, meaning whatever was wrong with it is being reset or recalculated by the PC.

I don't know what values are stored only for party Pokemon, but inevitably one of them is off whenever I generate a Pokemon through an AR code. I've included a .pkm of a Lilligant created from scratch in PokeGen, as well as the AR code generated by the program, and used to place it in my game. This, like every over Pokemon I have created for Gen V, suffers from the apparently flawed party data upon creation.


94000130 FFFB0000

022349B0 00000003

022349B4 6725A81A

022349B8 25AE0000

022349BC B43D5E49

022349C0 EA1FD45F

022349C4 44B8053D

022349C8 C1E9E303

022349CC 8E1FFC56

022349D0 5787F2EF

022349D4 7505F3FE

022349D8 83ABD940

022349DC 5ADE0B7F

022349E0 1CB8F81A

022349E4 DEA955FD

022349E8 45431D9A

022349EC EB342486

022349F0 244A8EAB

022349F4 ECE1C1E5

022349F8 5F72607A

022349FC 2D956D1E

02234A00 4C4C55B6

02234A04 C0AB732B

02234A08 7B9D274F

02234A0C 9360D21D

02234A10 5157909D

02234A14 4BF7B66A

02234A18 C4EEC524

02234A1C 8ED147D8

02234A20 638E6697

02234A24 9B1F2EDB

02234A28 0A82CE58

02234A2C 75767322

02234A30 36924582

02234A34 843ACBD1

02234A38 FDF95E5C

02234A3C F384025C

02234A40 D6F9FC70

02234A44 E6874F14

02234A48 A55374E7

02234A4C 9E661DAC

02234A50 65ADEA7F

02234A54 646D17F4

02234A58 ED5CC067

02234A5C 4E6D3201

02234A60 D6967825

02234A64 BC02DF41

02234A68 3F27AD3F

02234A6C 4CD5E056

02234A70 D1B14F4E

02234A74 FBC15173

02234A78 5AF1F1CC

02234A7C 3FB8F052

02234A80 6F464532

02234A84 56E6CD6B

02234A88 E4740D42

02234A8C 2016DC62

D2000000 00000000



Edited by color.me.envious
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The problem is that you have set the dreamworld extra byte in it.

Does that Lilligant? Mm, I must have forgotten to switch it after making a DW Espeon.

Regardless, that's not the cause, as this Whimsicott does the same thing, and it has a normal DW byte. Furthermore, putting it into the PC wouldn't reset the Trash Byte anyway so if that did invalidate a Pokemon--which it didn't--putting it into the PC wouldn't fix it. Whatever the problem is, it's something that's stored only for party Pokemon, and is reset or recalculated when placed in the PC.

Incidentally just to prevent any further confusion over the actual cause of the problem, I replaced the attached .pkm in the first post with another Lilligant with a properly set Trash Byte, as well as a newly generated code. As can be expected, this Lilligant also suffers the strange dual legality issue.

Capricorn (K).pkm

Capricorn (K).pkm

Edited by color.me.envious
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I appreciate bug reports, but come on. How do you not see the BUGS forum?

I can't look into the actual problem until later.

Edit: I haven't found anything that suggests there's a problem with the program. (That doesn't mean a problem doesn't exist, just that I see none yet.)

Edited by Codr
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Well, when this thread was first made it was moreso "What the hell is going on here?", so it didn't really fit in Bugs. I first just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything like personal error. I edited it to be a bit more bug report-y sometime after the fact. Plus...you kind of intimidate me, and I thought there was some special reason the Bug forums had so few threads, so I was afraid to post, I didn't want to make you mad. Mission failed, I guess.

I'm not really a code monkey so it's hard for me to make a good, solid hypothesis on this, but I really can't think of anything else that could be causing this other than perhaps a code generation issue. I've been told people who simply inject the Pokemon into their .sav files don't have this problem. One thing I did notice, is that if I generate a code, and then feed it back to Pokegen ("Extract Pokemon from code") it comes out extremely garbled, but I'm not sure if that really means anything, especially since the codes all work just fine, the potential party bug aside.

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Well, when this thread was first made it was moreso "What the hell is going on here?", so it didn't really fit in Bugs. I first just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything like personal error. I edited it to be a bit more bug report-y sometime after the fact.

That's fine if you actually put thought into it, but most people don't, and I'll assume that they haven't until shown otherwise. So I apologize if that seemed overly negative.

I thought there was some special reason the Bug forums had so few threads, so I was afraid to post

The bugs forum is relatively new. That's the only reason.

I really can't think of anything else that could be causing this other than perhaps a code generation issue.

Are you manually editing the stats (raw stats, not IVs/EVs) of the Pokemon?

Edit: I see this was already answered.

I've been told people who simply inject the Pokemon into their .sav files don't have this problem.

This shouldn't be possible. The data is generated the same way.

One thing I did notice, is that if I generate a code, and then feed it back to Pokegen ("Extract Pokemon from code") it comes out extremely garbled, but I'm not sure if that really means anything, especially since the codes all work just fine, the potential party bug aside.

The extract feature is really picky about what the code contains. It's not very "intelligent" at the moment. It's easy to make it mess up.

So... I don't know what the problem is. If you want to upload your save file so that I can actually access the random WiFi battle stuff, I could do more testing. (I've not even played Black/White yet.)

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To answer your question, I don't manually edit stats, no. I input my IVs and my EVs and let PokeGen do the rest, although, like I said, there's no visible change before or after the PC so it's moot anyway.

I really, really wish I could upload my .sav for you, but I have no means to extract it. Someone had told me once I could use my ARDSi to pull my save file, but as far as I can tell, they were lying.

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Ok, after some testing, I can say a few things.

- This isn't exactly a bug, but intended design due to lack of knowledge.

- The problem is a result of PokeGen not filling in party data the way the game does.

- I can't fix this because the data in question is data that has yet to be figured out, at least to my knowledge.

- You can get around this by either depositing them first, as you've done, or just not generating party Pokemon at all.

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Well, excellent, as the the issue has been pinpointed, and hopefully when the data does eventually come to light, it can be fixed. As I said, it doesn't really bother me much, since there's a simple workaround, but i thought it good to get it out there. Thanks for all your work on PokeGen, it really is an excellent program.

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