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pokeball insta catch!


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ok i know, this sounds a little crude, but I've been playing pokemon since red version as most of us have, and i have also been using the button combo to make any pokeball a masterball since then, but its never really worked till this version! and it is all about timing, by pressing UP+B at the right moment before you throw the pokeball,9then DOWN+A+B for good measure) it will make a whistle sound, and then it will shake in the air once, then drop and auto click catching the pokemon, this is my first play through, and ive done it twice so far, once on a giaru and the second on a shibishira, while in the thunderstone cave, so im gonna try it again and if i perfect it, i will post a vid soon =) as a proof of concept kinda thing. try it out for your self. im stll not sure if its when the "player threw the pokeball" text is just finished or when it goes to throw the pokeball after the text auto scrolls to continue the battle, but it does make a different, more high pitched whistle, then it does the roll in air, and clicks. has anyone else done this?

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