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i hate to say it, but if you email me the file maybe i could try to look into it briefly.

what areas/routes did you edit the wild pokemon at? with PPRE, right?

did you apply the rudolph patch before using PPRE on your file?

if you did any narc replacement, are you sure you put the file back in the right place? it's easy to get things mixed up since evertything's just a number. check this to be sure.

does an unedited file play right on your card?

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remember: any time you edit the wild pokemon of an area that has a script on it (like routes 29 & 30), erase the scripts and put a bunch of nonsense there so that your game won't freeze on those routes, later. PPRE won't save the garbage scripts, but it will keep things working, trust me.

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Let me try...

If you edit the Encounter Data on a route with a script, the game will stop working.

To prevent this, you must delete the script(s? Anon, clarify this, please), and place random text, like say, "dfdsfasdfasdfnsdnjknsdfa" and save. PPRE won't save the random text, so the old scripts will stay. It looks like nothing has changed, but doing this will prevent your game from freezing every time.

Anything I got wrong?

Mouse, we might be dealing with someone who isn't a native speaker, so we have to be simple and not use idioms to let them understand.

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