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PPRE Basics


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Well, we should probably make things easier for people coming in so they don't have to look through mud and dirt to understand the things that should be simple.

Simple Script Commands:

Faceplayer – The Player and NPC face each other

Message # - # is the number of the text in the text tab. It displays that message.

Unownmsgbox # - Same thing as Message, but with Unown print.

CallMsgBox # - I think it displays the message in a Sign, but I haven't bothered testing it.

CloseMsgOnKeyPress – Waits for a button press before closing.

TrainerBattle # # - Begins a Trainer Battle from the Trainer List. The first number would be just one battle, which is usually used. The second number is 0 unless you want to begin a Double Battle, hlowever, it's recommended you use the next command:

DoubleBattle # # - Would be the standard way to being the Double Battle.

Fanfare 1500 – Clicks at the beginning of talking to someone

Pokemart 1 – Opens up general Mart

Pokemart1 # - Opens up a certain PokeMart, like the second person in all the marts, who have a different script. This is that. I haven't tested what changing 1 does.

Lockall – Locks all OW Sprites for the script

Releaseall – Releases OW Sprites from being frozen after Lockall

Applymovement # mov_# - The first # stands for the OW you want moved. The second # is what movement from the movement list you wish to apply. Waitmovement for when you want the obvious to happen; I believe 255 is for the Main Character.

Addpeople # - Adds OW Sprite from the overworld list.

Removepeople # - Same concept as Addpeople, but removing instead.

Cryfr # 0 – Uses the cry of a Pokemon; #=National Dex Number

WaitCry – If you want the cry to finish before going to the next line of text.

GiveEgg # 11 - It would give the player an Egg. # is National Dex Number of the Pokemon. No idea what the 11 stands for and don't feel like testing it now. I just c/p'd this from Cynthia's Togepi.

HealPkmn - I have no idea what this does. But the full thing from this code (to get the feel of it) was:

Soundfr 1166



This command would send the player back to the Pokemon Center if they lost from a Scripted Battle:

CheckTrainerLost 0x800c

If 0x800c 0

CheckLR 1 func_#

And in the function referred to above, you would type this:





text_#="..." - The number is what would be used whenever a command refers to it like "Message #". The ... would be what will show up whenever the message is used.

\r – Starts a new line of text.

\n – Continues off the old line of text, but only works with the first line.

\x25BD – Works for the same effect \n gives, but is used for every line after \n.

\v0103\z0000\z0000 – Whenever this is used, it will be the Main Character's name.

\v0103\z0001\z0000 – Meanwhile, this would be the Rival's name.

\v0100\z0000\z0000 – This would the first Pokemon you received (or caught, if you skip the receiving part).

\v0100\z0001\z0000 – It would be your opposite gender rival's first Pokemon; Don't know how it would work if you didn't have a conventional starter.

\v0134\z0000\z0000 – Number of Pokemon you've seen.

\v0132\z0000\z0000 – May be the Pokemon you have with you or the Pokemon in your Pokedex caught. I haven't checked it yet.



Trainer Classes:


Roark = Leader above the \x01E0\X01E1 (Pokémon) Trainer that has another Leader below it. (Right before E4)

Byron = Leader below \x01E0\X01E1 (Pokémon) Trainer mentioned in Roark. (Right before E4)

Gardenia, Wake, Maylene, Fantina, Candice, and Volkner = Right after Commander and Galactic, which are a little bit after the E4.

\x01E0\X01E1 (Pokémon) Trainers (In order of how they appear on the list):

Lucas Plat

Dawn Plat







Lucas DP

Dawn DP

Lucas DP

Dawn DP

Notable Trainers:

246 – Roark Gym Battle

247-249 – Cedric (Rival) 2nd Battle after Jubilife

250 – Byron

261 – Aron 1st Battle

262 – Betha 1st Battle

263 – Flint 1st Battle

264 – Lucian 1st Battle

267 – Cynthia 1st Battle

295 – Mars 1st Battle

315 – Gardenia Gym Battle

316 – Wake Gym Battle

317 – Maylene Gym Battle

318 – Fantina Gym Battle

319 – Candice Gym Battle

320 – Volkner Gym Battle

403 – Cyrus HQ Battle

404 – Cyrus Torn World Battle

405 – Mars Lake Battle

406 – Jupiter Eterna Battle

407 – Jupiter Spear Pillar Battle

408 – Saturn Lake Battle

409 – Saturn HQ Battle

470-481 – Cedric (Rival) Battles

428 – Mars Spear Pillar Battle

521 – Spear Pillar Double Battle Grunt

527 – Spear Pillar Double Battle Grunt

607 – Cedric (Rival) Spear Pillar Battle (W/ Torterra)

613-618 – Lucas/Dawn Jubilife Battle

619-620 – Cedric (Rival) Spear Pillar Battle

621-626 - Lucas/Dawn Veilstone Battle

637-643 – Cedric (Rival) AfterStory Battles

848-849 – Veilstone Double Battle Grunts

850-852 – Cedric (Rival) 1st Battle

853 – Candice Restaurant Battle

854 – Maylene Restaurant Battle

855 – Volkner Restaurant Battle

856 – Byron Restaurant Battle

857 – Gardenia Restaurant Battle

858 – Roark Restaurant Battle

859 – Wake Restaurant Battle

860 – Fantina Restaurant Battle

861 – Riley Restaurant Battle

862 – Buck Restaurant Battle

863 – Marley Restaurant Battle

864 – Mira Restaurant Battle

865 – Cheryl Restaurant Battle

866 – Aaron 2nd Battle

867 – Bertha 2nd Battle

868 – Flint 2nd Battle

869 – Lucian 2nd Battle

870 – Cynthia 2nd Battle

871-873 – Cedric (Last Battle?)

902 – Argenta Unused Battle

903 – Thorton Unused Battle

904 – Dahlia Unused Battle

905 – Darach Unused Battle

913 – Cyrus Celestic Battle

921 – Volker Double Battle

922 – Flint Double Battle

923-925 – Cedric Before E4? Battle

926 – Mars Stark Mountain Battle

927 – Jupiter Stark Mountain Battle

Things to know:

  • Trainer names, as of now, cannot be edited.
  • The 0Ch value is the AI used for that trainer. 1 would be the lowest and most used. 7 would be the highest and used for the toughest trainers. 15, I think would an AI that works in double battles to set up Light Screen/Reflect first turn.
  • Don't click on the Double Battle button. It usually makes the game freeze whenever you encounter that trainer.
  • The u0 value under each Pokemon represents their IVs. 255 is the highest you would go, but 250 is the most commonly used, which, after having caught one of these 250 Pokemon, the IVs are listed as 30 across. Up to 252 would be the same. Not sure about 255.
  • If you check "Pokemon have different attacks", be sure to give each Pokemon at least one attack or it'll turn into Struggle.
  • Form # under each Pokemon would change the form of that Pokemon, if it can change forms. Simple, no?
  • I doubt I need to say this, but you can give each Pokemon any attack you want. It doesn't need to be from the list of the moves that the Pokemon can normally learn.

There are some things I want to be answered, too.

CheckHiroPosition 0x8004 0x8005

If 0x8004 10

CheckLR 1 func_6

If 0x8004 11

CheckLR 1 func_7

If 0x8004 12

CheckLR 1 func_8

How do you work this?

ChangeOwPosition 18 0x8004 661

This is what?

Clearflag #

Checkflag #

Setflag #

What does each one of these do? The only one I can understand is Checkflag, but I don't think I understand it fully.

Useful Links:

Sprite List (Platinum):


It should be noted that 101 will be the opposite gender rival.

Sprite list (HG/SS) and a quick, easy guide to how to make your own scripted battles:


Any help (correcting things I got wrong, adding new knowledge to this post) would be appreciated.

Edited by Roihu
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