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Pokesav to DS Info


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Hi everyone,

I recently purchased a version of Pokemon Emerald in order to obtain a shiny Mudkip. After 500 soft resets my patience is waning and I'm wanting to get the show on the road. I know of an individual who uses a program called pokesav to create these shiny pokemon but unfortunately would not accept my request for a shiny mudkip. Instead, I was given vague directions on how to do it myself, and seeing as I work in ITT I wasn't too worried about the technical stuff.

At this point I have Pokesav on my PC and have created the Mudkip to start my emerald game with but I'm seeing I need an action replay to finish this process. Well... here's where my question begins. My friend has a way of transferring the pokesav's data to a DS using its wireless feature. He mentioned something along the lines of adjusting the DS's wireless settings just so and transferring a .sav file to the DS and whatnot but again... other than those 2 specific instructions he was very vague on the overall process (and I know this is the truth because I've seen the fruits of his labor on multiple individuals' HeartGolds and SoulSilvers).

Anyway, does ANYONE know how it would be possible to do this? I really dont want to purchase an action replay for this because I think it's simply a bad idea to purchase the thing to use it only once for one pokemon.

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