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11 Screenshots

About This File

Pokemon Crimson Red is a ROM hack that enhances the base FireRed Experience.
What I wanted to do with this ROM hack is providing a difficult experience while providing the player a bunch of ways to handle each fight. Before every battle the player has multiple Pokemon, Items and Mega Evolutions to provide each fight as a puzzle to solve, but unlike a puzzle, these battles can be solved in multiple different ways. Crimson Red is meant for everyone to play, and I am aware that not every player wants to play the same. So I've made some rulesets for each player type that will be mentioned later.
*If you are playing this game please Read The Oak Cutscene*
Some of the things this game has:

- Much Harder Trainer Battles
- Gen 8 Mons / Mechanics
- Enemy items / Better movesets / Switch in AI
- Better AI
- most Pokemon Catchable
- All held Items can be bought
- City Vendors
- 3 Rivals
- Major Map changes
- 400+ Hidden Items / Pokeball items
- Optional Boss Battles that give items / Pokemon
- Legendary Pokemon
- Sevii Islands
- Post Game battles (Sevii Islands not post game but mandatory)
- Lore?
-QoL Changes
- Rare Candies for Grinding
- And MORE!

What makes this game different to some other FireRed ROM hacks like Radical Red?
1. Better Overworld exploration

Every early game route and some of the other routes are completely changed With new NPCs, Items and Hidden items.
Hidden Items are scattered all over the map underneath every single rock in the game. These Hidden Items can be hiding a bunch of battle Items, Berries, PokeBalls and more niche items such as evolution items.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Crimson Red 2.0

This is Route 1
There are 3 Rocks in this first map that have the Hidden Items as mentioned they contain:
1 Protect Pads
10 Elixir
1 Ultra Ball
It also has a Mach Bike Hidden in a Pokeball in the Grass.
There is an NPC tutor that teaches Vaccum Wave.

Each Route is made to prioritise exploration, there are hundreds of these Rocks and Items all throughout the game.

Not every Route is like this but this can give you a rough understanding of how the
routes of the game could look.

There are also 3 Completely New Routes and 4 Remixed Optional Routes

2. Better Trainers and Boss battles
Crimson Red Is not supposed to be a "Impossible hack" (Ek, Run n Bun) It's meant to be a Difficulty Hack, Improving the Trainers to be much harder than the base game but not being so hard to the point of frustration.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Crimson Red 2.0

This is the 1st Lt. Surge Battle.
Every Leader Has:
6 Pokemon
Full Held Items
Diverse movesets
Advanced AI
A sick Song

Sometimes though Gym Leaders do have a Pokemon that doesn't fit their type.
The biggest focus in this game is fairness (mainly in the early game),
You get a bunch of Held items for countering the Enemy Pokemon of Optional Trainers and Boss battles.
You get most of the Held Items that the Enemy Gym Leaders have so that you can use their own strategies
against them.

The Difficulty Spike does go quite up the further you go through the game reaching it's peak at the 3rd May Battle and Elite Four

There Is Also a Custom Nuzlocke Variant That is talked about a bit further down.

Plenty of Trainers also have creative battles and are not just a one button sweep like in the base game.

3. Quality Of Life
You get a bunch of Rare Candies before fighting the first trainer to prevent mindless grinding however you can still play candy-less
You can see which Pokemon can learn a selected TM like in screenshots shown below.
Mega Evolution and Z moves

How To Play:
Download the Patch File
Download the FIreRed 1.0 Official ROM from Visual Boy Advance
Go to https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/
and Patch the Official ROM and FINISHED


The Full Game which includes all the Trainers, Map Changes, Pokemon Changes and all the Changes that are not in the Base FireRed are made by Noodle (me :D)
using the Complete Fire Red Upgrade by ghoulslash
Quality of Life Scripts by Yave Yu
BackGround Art and Scripts by LibertyTwins, princess-phoenix, carchagui, aveontrainer, WesleyFG, kWharever, worldslayer608, knizz
Other Assets and Scripts by LibertyTwins, Shiny Miner, Greenphx and ansh860.
Inspired by Dekzeh and SinisterHoodedFigure's ROM hacks

"This game looks like Radical Red but worse"
I purposely didn't play or watch any playthroughs of Radical Red to prevent this game being too similar. I did this to prevent accidental copying and to make sure that it's an original experience different from Radical Red or any other ROM hack.

Nuzlocke+ Variant
-HC Nuzlocke Rules
- No TMs
-No Megas
-No Z-Moves

The Hardcore+ Nuzlocke Variant
- HC nuzlocke rules
- Pokemon from overworld Pokeballs (such as Boss battle Pokemon) count as the route encounter
- No Legendaries / Mythicals
- Every Optional Boss is mandatory
- No Items from City Vendors
- Cerulean Cave
- No Z-Moves
- Wipe = Reset
- Might be Impossible due to Elite Four But if you want you can play with it



Edited by Noodle_00

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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