About This File
This is my save files on my orginal Pokemon Cystal cartridge that I have had since I was a kid. Recently replaced the battery and started a new game. This game starts out shortly after you get your starter pokemon. However I made some changes. Once you hatch some eggs that are lready in the game or go to the day care. You can really begain to customize your team. (NOTE: This file is diffent then the one I did over a year a half ago. That was a completed save file.)
t has a cool decorated room from Mystery Gifts items, Pokémon From PYNC event Pokémon, lots of shiny Pokémon, and lots of Pokémon that can be used for Pokémon Stadium 2. Enjoy!!!
1) has a cool decorations for room from Mystery Gifts items
2) Pokémon From PYNC events
3) pokemon from pokemon stadium 1 and 2
4) pokemon that are only in gene 1
5) lots of shiny Pokémon
6) lots of useful items added
7) pokemon that can only be caught in Kanto or very late in game.
8 ) Has the GS ball added to the game
Edited by Masterdragon1990