167 files
Hyadain Landorus (Land-sama)
Details from Bulbapedia:
Species Landorus Nickname ランドさま OT ヒャダイン TID 14818 Distribution Serial Code Location a Pokémon TV program Dates May 24 to Jun 30, 2016 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Given to: JP 3DS: ORAS
Preset as: OR Lv. 50 Nature Adamant Ability Sand Force (1) Item Assault Vest Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Earthquake Knock Off U-turn Rock Tomb WC ID 167: 「PJCS2016よせん さんかきねん」's receiving text 0x2D Thank you for participating in the Battle Competition! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Classic PJCS2016よせん さんかきねん インターネットたいかい
よせん」に さんかした きねんに
ヒャダインの ランドロスを プレゼント! Format Ver.2.1.2-2, Post Updated Date:20210823_1622
Special Demo Steelix (JPN) [PL6][PK6]
This event is one out of two new Mega Evolving Pokemon distributed, Glalie International and Steelix Japan 3DS,
that is distributed to players for playing the Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version.
In the Special Demo, the Pokemon is encountered in a battle, with it's stats, nature, ability, and gender, fully randomized, as per any battle,
with the exception of it's Species, Level, and that it cannot be Shiny, being preset.
After capture, it can be nicknamed, and then can it be sent as a gift to the full versions of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
The language of the event is determined by the language of game save of the Special Demo Version,
so it's possible to receive a Pokemon with different Language of Origin from the save of the full versions of the game.
However, this Steelix can only be have Japanese as it's Language of Origin,
as only Japanese 3DS Special Demo Version can encounter this Steelix,
and the Special Demo Version for the Japanese Region does not have the language selection screen at the start of the Demo.
Even when not nicknamed in the Special Demo, this Pokemon will have it's Nickname Flag checked,
as long as the name it currently has is different from the default name of the species of the receiving game save's language.
The Trainer ID is randomly generated and assigned when starting the Special Demo,
and the Original Trainer will be Orlando ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA or オメガ JPN or 오메가 KOR.
^ OT name languages refers to language of Special Demo, not Full versions.
Below shows the exact details of the contributed .PL6 and .PK6 file:
Species Steelix Nickname (default, save lang) OT オメガ TID 29231 Distribution Pokémon Link
(ORAS Demo) Location Pokémon Link Dates Oct 15, 2014 onwards PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Given to: JP 3DS: ORAS
Preset as: AS Lv. 40 Nature Random Ability Rock Head (1) or Sturdy (2) Item Steelixite Card Per Save - Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Iron Tail Crunch Rock Slide Screech WC ID 0: 「Simulated Japanese ORAS Demo Steelix.」's receiving text 0x00 Thank you for coming to see the Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
(no ribbons) Simulated Japanese ORAS Demo Steelix. Simulated Japanese ORAS Demo Steelix. Format Ver.2.1.2-2, Post Updated Date:20210823_1625
(The details were converted into a simulated file, which that file was then used as a HTML)
Kotone Yasue's Shiny Tyranitar
Species Tyranitar Nickname (default, save lang) OT ヤミらみこ TID 03866 Distribution Nintendo Zone Location Route 7 Dates Nov 07 - Dec 06, 2015 PID Shiny PID Games Given to: JP 3DS: ORAS
Preset as: X Lv. 55 Met Lv. 1 Nature Adamant Ability Sand Stream (1) Item Life Orb Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Crunch Rock Slide Low Kick Protect WC ID 130: 「チャンピオンの バンギラス」's receiving text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.
Battle Champ チャンピオンの バンギラス ポケモンWCS'15 ジュニアチャンピオンの
ポケモンを プレゼント!
けっしょうせんで かつやくした
いわなだれを つかって
そのつよさを たいけんしよう! Format Ver.2.1.2-2, Post Updated Date:20210823_1608
0139 ORAS - メガトウキョ Shiny Charizard (JPN)
Distribution Title メガトウキョーの リザードン Wondercard ID 139 PID Shiny PID Games ORAS Type Local Wi-Fi Dates Jan 1 to
31, 2016 Species Charizard Nickname (default) Gender Male/Female Level 36 Nature Random Ability Blaze (1) OT メガトウキョ TID 12124 Location a Pokémon Center Ribbon Premier Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Charizardite Y Moves Overheat Solar Beam Focus Blast Hold Hands Relearn
Moves Hold Hands (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.3163 downloads
Christmas Trade Evolution
This gift was traded to players during a Christmas Celebration.
Players will select Gengar or Scizor, and the a Haunter or Scyther (w/ Metal Coat) is traded to the players,
and it will evolve upon receiving it.
This page also includes a simulated card, for the Haunter and Scyther.
The Christmas Lucky Egg code can also be received at this event.
It appears this trade event had a season 2 due to popular demand.
0131 ORAS - ポケセン (PokeCen) Shiny Diancie (JPN)
This event was distributed via Nintendo Zones at Pokemon Centers and Pokemon Store outlet in Japan.
This marks the first time Diancie is obtainable shiny.
Species Diancie Nickname (default, save lang) OT ポケセン TID 12125 Distribution Nintendo Zone Location a Pokémon Center Dates Dec 12 to Dec 31, 2015 PID Shiny PID Games JP 3DS: ORAS Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Clear Body (1) Item Normal Gem
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Diamond Storm Moonblast Reflect Return WC ID 131: 「いろちがいのディアンシー プレゼント」's receiving text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game. いろちがいのディアンシー プレゼント ポケモンセンターから かんしゃを こめて
とっておきの プレゼント!
いままで だれも みたことのない
いろちがいのディアンシーを プレゼント!9179 downloads
Pokemon Center Tokyo Bay's Inkay
Species Inkay Nickname (default, save lang) OT PCTB TID 11223 Distribution Local Wireless Location PC Tokyo Bay Dates Nov 22, 2013
to Jan 26, 2014 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: XY Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Contrary (1)
or Suction Cups (2) Item Aspear Berry Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Happy Hour Foul Play Hypnosis Topsy-Turvy WC ID 3: 「トウキョーベイ オープンきねん!」's receiving text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.
Premier トウキョーベイ オープンきねん! ポケモンセンタートウキョーベイの
オープンを きねんして
とくべつな わざ ハッピータイムを
おぼえた マーイーカを プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180307_0216
Movie19: Kimia's Shiny Gardevoir
This Gardevoir is based on the Chymia's Gardevoir in the Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel movie.
Species Gardevoir Nickname (default, save lang) OT キミア TID 06176 Distribution Serial Code Location Pokémon Movie 16 Dates Jun 17 - Aug 31, 2016 PID Shiny PID Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Synchronize (1) Item Gardevoirite
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Dazzling Gleam Moonblast Stored Power Calm Mind WC ID 168: 「キミアの いろちがいのサーナイト」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. キミアの いろちがいのサーナイト アゾットおうこくの おうじょ キミアは
だいじん ジャービスの ことを
ふしんに おもい ひそかに
ちょうさを すすめている。
かのじょとともに たたかう サーナイトの
かつやくを えいがかんへ みにいこう!6198 downloads
Pokemon Center Kyoto: Shiny Ho-Oh
Species Ho-Oh Nickname (default, save lang) OT PCキョウト TID 03166 Distribution Local Wireless Location a Pokémon Center Dates Mar 15 to May 08, 2016 PID Shiny PID Games All Regions 3DS: ORAS Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item Sacred Ash Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Sacred Fire Brave Bird Recover Celebrate WC ID 164: 「PCキョウト オープンきねん」's receiving text 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.
Souvenir PCキョウト オープンきねん ポケモンセンターキョウトの
オープンを きねんして
いろちがいの ホウオウを プレゼント!
ぜひ きょうとに あそびにきてね! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180411_1615
Movie18: Dahara City Legendary - Arceus
These Arceus were distributed to players who attended the Movie Hoopa and the Clash of Ages via Serial code,
which features a random chance to get one out of all types of Arceus (via different item Silk Scarf for Normal, Plates for types),
or a shiny Arceus.
Species Arceus Nickname (default, save lang) OT デセルシティ TID 03075 Distribution Serial Code Location Pokémon Movie 15 Dates Mar 07 to Aug 31, 2015; Nov 20 to Dec 17, 2015 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Multitype (1) Item Silk Scarf
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Judgment Blast Burn Hydro Cannon Earth Power WC ID 81: 「アルセウス プレゼント」's receiving text 0x03 Thank you for coming to see the 2015 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. アルセウス プレゼント ことしの ポケモンえいがに とうじょうする
アルセウスを プレゼント!
もっている どうぐによって
タイプが ちがうぞ!11640 downloads
CoroCoro Garchomp
Distribution Title ガブリアス プレゼント Wondercard ID 2 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XY Type Serial Code Dates Nov 15, 2013 to,
Aug 29, 2014 Nickname (default) Gender Male Level 48 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT コロコロ TID 11153 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Dragon Fang Moves Draco Meteor Dragon Claw Dig Crunch Relearn
Moves (None) (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Christmas Lucky Egg
Distribution Title しあわせタマゴ プレゼント Wondercard ID 8 Games XY Type Serial Code Distribution Date Dec 21 - 26, 2013 Item Lucky Egg Quantity x1 Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
0161 XYORAS - ネーベル Volcanion (JPN)
Species Volcanion Nickname (default, save lang) OT ネーベル TID 04166 Distribution Serial Code Location Pokémon Movie 16 Dates Apr 16 to Sep 30, 2016 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 70 Nature Random Ability Water Absorb (1) Item Rage Candy Bar
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Steam Eruption Overheat Hydro Pump Mist WC ID 161: 「ボルケニオン プレゼント」's receiving text 0x04 Thank you for coming to see the 2016 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. ボルケニオン プレゼント ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!4092 downloads
0111 XYORAS - XY&Z Shiny Xerneas (JPN)
This event was distributed via the common password MOKUYO7JI, displayed during the airing of Pokemon XY: Anime in Japan.
This marks the first time Shiny Xerneas was made available, as it was shiny locked in Pokemon X.
Distribution Title アニメ XY&Z ゼルネアス Wondercard ID 111 PID Shiny PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Oct 29, 2015 -
Jan 12, 2016 [MOKUYO7JI] Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT XY&Z TID 10295 Location the Pokémon cartoon Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Geomancy Moonblast Aromatherapy Focus Blast Relearn
Moves Geomancy Moonblast Aromatherapy Focus Blast Receiving Text 0x34 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
0113 XYORAS - XY&Z Zygarde (JPN)
Distribution Title アニメ XY&Z ジガルデ Wondercard ID 113 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Nov 12 2015 -
Jan 12 2016 [MEGAMEGA] Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT XY&Z TID 11125 Location the Pokémon cartoon Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Land's Wrath Extreme Speed Glare Outrage Relearn
Moves Land's Wrath Extreme Speed Glare Outrage Receiving Text 0x34 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
0112 XYORAS - XY&Z Shiny Yveltal (JPN)
Species Yveltal Nickname (default, save lang) OT XY&Z TID 11055 Distribution Serial Code Location the Pokémon cartoon Dates Nov 5, 2015
to Jan 12, 2016 PID Shiny PID Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Dark Aura (1) Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Oblivion Wing Sucker Punch Dark Pulse Foul Play WC ID 112: 「アニメ XY&Z イベルタル」's receiving text 0x34 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Classic アニメ XY&Z イベルタル テレビアニメ
「ポケットモンスター XY&Z」の
ほうそうスタートを きねんして
ダークオーラ をまとう
でんせつの ポケモンY
イベルタルを プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.6-0, Post Updated Date:20180119_2319
0086 XYORAS - セレナ Serena's Fennekin (JPN) (F)
Serena's Fennekin was distributed to players via a common password SERENA01, via interactive features of the TV program of an episode of Pokemon (XY062).
Species Fennekin Nickname (default, save lang) OT セレナ TID 02265 Distribution Serial Code Location Lumiose City Dates Feb 26 to Mar 31, 2015 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 15 Met Lv. 5 Nature Hardy Ability Blaze (1) Item Destiny Knot
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Scratch Flamethrower Hidden Power (None) WC ID 86: 「セレナのフォッコ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x34 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. セレナのフォッコ プレゼント アニメ「ポケットモンスター XY」から
セレナの パートナーポケモン
フォッコを プレゼント!3427 downloads
Movie Diancie
Distribution Title ディアンシー プレゼント Wondercard ID 22 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XY Type Local Wireless Dates Jul 6, Jul 13,
Jul 19 - Sep 30,
2014 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 50 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT えいがかん TID 7194 Location Pokémon Movie 14 Ribbon Wishing , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Normal Gem Moves Diamond Storm Moonblast Reflect Return Relearn
Moves (None) (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x02 Thank you for coming to see the 2014 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
CoroCoro Shiny Rayquaza
Distribution Title いろちがいのレックウザ プレゼント Wondercard ID 88 PID Shiny PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Mar 14 - May 15,
2015 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 70 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT コロコロ TID 3145 Location an event site Ribbon Event , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Dragon Pulse Twister Thunder Extreme Speed Relearn
Moves (None) (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
0140 ORAS - コロコロ Shiny Rayquaza (JPN)
Distribution Title いろちがいのレックウザ プレゼント Wondercard ID 140 PID Shiny PID Games ORAS Type Local Wi-Fi Dates Feb 1 to 29, 2016 Species Rayquaza Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 70 Nature Random Ability Air Lock (1) OT コロコロ TID 3145 Location an event site Ribbon Event Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Dragon Pulse Twister Thunder Extreme Speed Relearn
Moves (None) (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.2270 downloads
Movie18: Movie Hoopa
This event was distributed to players that went to the viewing of Movie18: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages in Japan, via Local wireless.
Species Hoopa Nickname (default, save lang) OT えいがかん TID 07185 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Movie 15 Dates Jul 05, 2015 &
Jul 18 to Sep 30, 2015 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Magician (1) Item Focus Sash
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Hyperspace Hole Psychic Astonish Nasty Plot WC ID 83: 「フーパ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x03 Thank you for coming to see the 2015 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. フーパ プレゼント フーパの かつやくを げきじょうに
みにきてくれて ありがとう!
「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・
フーパに かかわる なにかが おこる!?4144 downloads
Movie18: Dahara City Legendary - Shiny Arceus
This Arceus was distributed to players who attended the Movie Hoopa and the Clash of Ages via Serial code,
which features a random chance to get one shiny Arceus,
or one out of all types of Arceus (via different item Silk Scarf for Normal, Plates for types).
Species Arceus Nickname (default, save lang) OT デセルシティ TID 03075 Distribution Serial Code Location Pokémon Movie 15 Dates Mar 07 to Aug 31, 2015 PID Shiny PID Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Multitype (1) Item Silk Scarf
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Judgment Blast Burn Hydro Cannon Earth Power WC ID 81: 「アルセウス プレゼント」's receiving text 0x03 Thank you for coming to see the 2015 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. アルセウス プレゼント ことしの ポケモンえいがに とうじょうする
アルセウスを プレゼント!
もっている どうぐによって
タイプが ちがうぞ!11079 downloads
Special Demo Glalie (JPN) [PL6][PK6]
This event is one out of two new Mega Evolving Pokemon distributed, Glalie International and Steelix Japan 3DS,
that is distributed to players for playing the Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version.
In the Special Demo, the Pokemon is encountered in a battle, with it's stats, nature, ability, and gender, fully randomized, as per any battle,
with the exception of it's Species, Level, and that it cannot be Shiny, being preset.
After capture, it can be nicknamed, and then can it be sent as a gift to the full versions of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
The language of the event is determined by the language of game save of the Special Demo Version,
so it's possible to receive a Pokemon with different Language of Origin from the save of the full versions of the game.
It is to note that only non-Japanese 3DS will be able to receive this Glalie, as mentioned at the top of this description.
Even when not nicknamed in the Special Demo, this Pokemon will have it's Nickname Flag checked,
as long as the name it currently has is different from the default name of the species of the receiving game save's language.
The Trainer ID is randomly generated and assigned when starting the Special Demo,
and the Original Trainer will be Orlando ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA or オメガ JPN or 오메가 KOR.
^ OT name languages refers to language of Special Demo, not Full versions.
Below shows the exact details of the contributed .PL6 and .PK6 file:
PID Specified PID
20C77F13 Games ORAS Type Pokemon Link Dates October 15,
2014 onward Species Glalie Nickname オニゴーリ Gender Female Level 40 Nature Bold Ability Inner Focus (1) OT オメガ TID 814 Location Mirage Cave Ribbon Ball Poke Ball Held Item Glalitite Moves Ice Fang Headbutt Protect Frost Breath Relearn
Moves (None) (None) (None) (None)2041 downloads
Pokemon X'mas Party '14: Shiny Jirachi
This event was given to players as a serial code, after they purchase a Silicon Wristband that was part of the Pokémon Christmas Party 2014 campaign.
Species Jirachi Nickname (default, save lang) OT ポケセン TID 12014 Distribution Serial Code Location a Pokémon Center Dates Dec 01, 2014
to May 28, 2015 PID Shiny PID Games JP 3DS: XYORAS Lv. 15 Nature Random Ability Serene Grace (1) Item Stardust
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Wish Confusion Helping Hand Return WC ID 61: 「いろちがいの ジラーチ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. いろちがいの ジラーチ プレゼント とうほくの みんなに えがおを!
いろちがいの ジラーチを プレゼント!3727 downloads
Tanabata '14: Shiny Jirachi
This event was distributed to players at Pokemon Centers in Japan via Local Wireless,
to celebrate the annual Tanabata Festival.
Species Jirachi Nickname (default, save lang) OT たなばた TID 08014 Distribution Local Wireless Location PC Tohoku Dates Aug 01 to 31, 2014 PID Shiny PID Games All Regions 3DS: XY Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Serene Grace (1) Item Star Piece
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Wish Swift Healing Wish Moonblast WC ID 34: 「いろちがいの ジラーチ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x51 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center Tohoku! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game. いろちがいの ジラーチ プレゼント ポケモンセンタートウホクに
あそびに きてくれて ありがとう!
たなばたを イメージした
わざを おぼえた
とても めずらしい いろちがいの
ジラーチを プレゼント!4056 downloads