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Spanish Vocabulary # 5

Hello everyone (hola todos)

hoy (today)

more vocabulary (más vocabulario)

Animals (Animales)

mammals -> mamíferos

birds -> pájaros

reptiles -> reptiles

amphibians -> anfibios

fish -> peces (pl. fish)

insects -> insectos

crustaceans = crustáceos

Horse -> Caballo

Elephant -> Elefante

Dog -> Perro

Cat -> Gato

Mosquito -> Mosquito

Ox -> Buey

Bull -> Toro

Cow -> Vaca

Fox -> Zorro

Wolf -> Lobo

Centipede -> Cienpies

Bug -> Bicho

Ant -> Hormiga

Perakeet -> Perico

parrot -> Loro (always confuse with carrot lolz >.<)

Chicken -> Pollo

Cock -> Gallo

Pig -> Cerdo

Rabbit -> Conejo

Prawn -> langostino

Srimp -> Gamba

Dolphin -> Delfin

Shark -> Tiburon

Whale -> Ballena

Jellyfish -> Medusa

Octopus -> Pulpo

Seal -> Foca

Oyster -> Ostra

Turtle -> Tortuga

Sea Turtle -> Tortuga acuatica

Tuna -> Atun

cod -> bacalao

bass -> lubina

trout ->trucha

salmon -> salmón

boar -> jabali

Falcon -> Halcon

Skunk -> Mofeta

Squirrel -> Ardilla

armadillo -> armadillo

beaver -> Castor

weasel -> comadreja

moose -> Alce

Aeagle -> Agila

Vulture -> Vuitre

Sparrow -> Gorrion

cow -> cuervo

owl -> Buho

pigeon -> paloma

fly -> mosca

butterfly -> mariposa

praying mantis -> mantis religiosa

ape -> mono

monkey -> simio

moth -> polilla

beetle escarabajo

cobra -> cobra

beetle -> gusano

cockroach -> cucaracha

baboon -> babuino

tiger -> tigre

lion -> león

python -> pitón

boa constrictor -> boa

guinea pig -> coballa

Hamster -> Hamster

canary -> canario

cheetah -> gepardo

leopard -> leopardo

giraffe -> girafa

hyena -> hiena

kangaroo -> canguro

koala -> koala

Sloth -> Perezoso

Rhinoceros -> rinoceronte

zebra -> cabra

antipole -> antilope

toad -> sapo

Frog -> rana

duck -> pato

hippopotamus -> hippópotamo

camel -> camello

Dromedary -> dromedario

snake -> serpiente

lizard -> lagarto

tortoise -> tortuga de tierra

walrus -> morsa

bear -> oso

polar bear -> oso polar

penguin -> pinguino

rattlesnake -> serpiente de cascabel

iguana -> iguana

charmileon -> camaleon

komodo -> komodo

koi -> koi

komodo dragon -> dragon de comodo


what about your? (que hay de ti?)

leave in comments below what its your fauvorite animal (deja debajo en los comenarios cual es tu animal favorito)



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