First post. So, hi!
.pkm file is attached below! The egg received date is on the 21st, but I'm not going to hatch it until the 22nd, because I'm going to buy the EU Platinum release and transfer the egg over.
Basically, I hacked an egg using Pokésav. I think it's byte-for-byte legit-looking. The legality checker says it's fine, but I just want to make sure the job has been done well. I'm 99% sure it's possible for this Pichu to be born with these moves, the PP is correct, etc. I didn't make IVs particularly great, but I did nudge them until my Hidden Power type came out as Ice, and gave speed a little love.
The bytes over on the right should derive from 7D0, correct? Which is 2000 in decimal, showing that this Pokémon was given to me by the Day Care couple. It was produced in the American Platinum version. The PID comes from the IVs and nature being Naive, male, not shiny and class 1 (Static).
In short, is this a good quality hack? Would Nintendo even be able to detect it? If you're wondering why the IVs aren't particularly impressive, well, I mostly just wanted to see if I was any good at hacking. Also, I skipped some time and TM wasting by giving myself Grass Knot and Hidden Power. Thanks for any help!