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Everything posted by Zesserboss

  1. I tried each file one by one to see what the issue for me was, eventually got all in except 9. These are the ones that don't work for me and caused a hard crash: Rilaboom, Scorbunny, Sobble, Skwovet, Greedent, Gossifleur, Eldegoss, Nicket, Thievul. I haven't tried the Metan and Melmetal yet, I'll make an edit if they work. So if anyone is getting hard crash or freezing issues, remove those pokemon and see if it works. I was able to transfer entire boxes once I removed those. Edit: Meltan and Melmetal work. It's just those 9 I listed that don't and cause the hard crash
  2. Tried everything you said, still got the crash to home with "an error has occurred" text. The only thing that has been working for me is making my own with Batch Editor, some will work and some won't. I'm making them as legal as possible as well. No shinies and all the legit details yet still one or two will cause a hard crash and when I delete those via the PC Box then the rest will be able to transfer
  3. Hey, I've tried everything you said as well as the comment above mine and I'm still getting that green screen shown above where everything freezes. I hit save and quit and then it just freezes Edit: So after a lot of trial and error I've figured out my problem. My Digital Copy of the game did not work, I kept getting these errors: Using the individual .pk7 files with another save file I get "an error has occurred forcing the software to close" then it immediately boots me back to the home screen. When I use your save file it just freezes on the green background screen after I hit save and quit. The Meltan and Melmetal are .pb7 and can't work What actually worked for me was using the .pk7 files in my physical copy of Sun. I was doing a test and Grookey transferred with no problems. When I tried the rest it didn't work. Same green background that freezes
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