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Posts posted by Sat_Fool

  1. Maybe? Is there any way to change the elevation?

    As codemonkey said, Z is elevation. When I fixed the game for a friend, it was trial and error to get it to work. In a couple of attempts, the change would give me a white screen on start. I knew that it was wrong from the start.

    I am hoping for a DSL for fathers day. I have hinted a few times. ;)

    I am about to rip a few DS Lites apart to fix broken buttons and touch screens. Found a place for cheap parts.

  2. I second this motion, as I am going to steel myself to break away from VB.Net this summer, and it's basically coming down to C#, C++, or Python. I would like to know which language will suit which projects best.

    My daughter is just starting to look into programming. We picked up a copy of Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies and they cover the different languages and how they are associated with other languages. The do mention Basic (VB Basic as well) but say that if you learn C++, you can move to almost any other language that is out there. Not only that, you now can work on different kinds of programmable hardware like Atmel's AVRs or embedded processors.

    GCC is a free and recommended compiler.

    The one point is if you know C/C++, you can get a job that pays more than many other languages. I know that most of the people at work that have to program are using either C or C++. Some are moving to QT due to cross compilers. Of course, GCC supports various OS's as well and can be used as a cross compiler.

    I learned assembly many years ago and now I am trying to learn C/C++ to work with microcontrollers.

  3. People look down at us here for our teenage girls generally losing their virginity before the age of consent, constant drinking, constant teenage childbirth and our society become rather disgusting. And to be able to deep fry a Mars bar, that still perplexes me.

    Ah to live in Scotland.

    This is almost world wide but you did remind me of a common factor in what "grinds my gears."

    It is the Do it for the Children mentality of government and special interest groups.

    It is being used by all the above groups to increase surveillance of citizens and increased forms of spying on the public. Deep packet inspection of the Internet. Groups that do not have to answer to anyone like the Internet Watch Foundation that force ISP's to censor more and more.

    Laws that end up charging teenagers as sex offenders for taking erotic photo's of themselves. Even if they are at the age of consent in their state/province/country.

    I could go on but you get the drift.

    Second is the above in regards but using terrorism.

  4. My favorite type of music is country, but I can live most any genre except for rap/hip-hop/heavy metal.

    I am the opposite. country, at least the modern country music is pretty close to the bottom of my tolerance list. Rock, metal, thrash, punk are all close to the top. Some Rap, Classical, hip hop, Jazz. Pop/top 40 music is about the middle of the group. I cannot listen to only one type of music to long or I just lose it.

    I wish I had my long hair from when I was much younger from time to time. Maybe when I retire I will grow it long again. :)

  5. I have perfectly straight hair, my Mum always complains because i always get my hair shaved down to number 2, and she says my hair is healthy, and pure black, but i prefer less hair.

    Just cut mine to a number 2 tonight.

  6. The Swine Flu is very similar to the 1918 flu that killed so many. It is following the same trend at present with a weak strain in the spring. Hopefully that is the only similarity. The 1918 flu returned in the fall as a major killer of young and healthy people.

    The way it killed was by the persons own immune system over producing antibodies and thus killing off the body. Sick and those with weakened immune systems were safer.

    What is scary about this flu is it came out of nowhere. The first figures made it look like a killer but on examining the figures, a lot of the deaths were not caused by this flu in the end.

    The fear for the Avian flu is almost all that caught the flu died. That is the fear. If it became capable of transferring between humans, then it could become very deadly.

    With this flu, it is a new strain. No vaccine is available and it is a known killer. Any vaccine will take at least six months to develop and manufacture. And that is hoping that it doesn't mutate enough before the vaccine is available.

    A farm worker returning from Mexico transferred the swine flu to his pigs. This means that it can move back and forth between species. This means that it could mutate even further.

    As for our children's school. It has a plan to use their web presence to continue with classes. Kids were not to happy.

  7. I was at the good spot to get to the true one, however I think that the problem is that it was all white. I think that this is what have done that to my save. Normally, it should be booting whith background all black, which can be taken away by displaying the Pokédex (or any other screen). I then should be on the same very spot and in the true Sinnoh.

    When I was trying to rescue a friends game, I moved the character into an invalid location, just a few pixels above or below the true elevation and the game booted with a white background. I wonder if the game thinks you are booting into the wrong location and actually booting at the wrong elevation?

    Just a thought.

  8. Do that means that I should pick a location were there are the same stairs to get teleported there?

    That is what I first tried. It would help if you had a reference to work with. I don't know enough about the workings of the game to say what will work. The problem is you have to get the correct elevation as well as the location. If you are in the wrong elevation, you won't be able to move or the game won't load properly.

    I expect to find stuff talking about how to perform the tweak glitch if I search that. I got there by this glitch. Of course it is not a proper area! Therefore, not proper areas having the jubilife song (place where I performed the glitch) are usually «parallels» to the true areas. I got to Shaymin's island by tweaking and going there in the first false-Sinnoh.

    I did see something about getting out of the false Sinnoh and they were showing riding around on a what looked like a bike. See if you can retrace where you entered.

    I think the saving part is what screws things up. When the game boots, it tries to take the data and put you in a real location. Now the counters are really out.

    Trying to put yourself into a real setting may cause other problems. When you are stuck, you have to try different things. This is where the NDS adapter helped in my case. I could create a backup of the saved file and then make changes without the fear of totally screwing things up (which I did a couple of times.)

    If you put yourself into a bad location, how do you put yourself back? At least there is a map for the known locations to use. The fear is you get to one of these locations and you are really stuck. That is what happened to my friends game when we move them out of where they were stuck. They could move but not use any of the tools.

    I should get one of my kids to try it on the ROM card after backing up their saved game. It could prove interesting to see. I might be able to give a better answer. Something to try.

    ---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

    I just saw this thread. It might be helpful.

    Help, I'm stuck in the mystery zone!

  9. Hmm. I can't figure out if I think you're too strict or not. It depends on the situation.

    Just wondering, but you sound like you'd even limit the time your offspring read if they were the type that read all day, every day, even though most parents would be grateful for this behaviour. What would you rather them do when you tell them they're done with gaming? Do you just think too much TV and games are bad, or is it you prefer them doing a variety of activities?

    Sorry, just curious.

    But yes, to keep on topic, I'd like more updates. Sat_Fool brought up some interesting points...

    If they were reading only comic books, then it would be different than reading "1, 2, 3, infinity" (Search for it on Amazon). When my son was learning to read, having him read various pokedex books was great. He would spend hours reading.

    He needs exercise to help him keep his weight down, just like dear old dad. He does participate in sports every week and almost every day.

    Everything has to come in moderation and my kids have to learn that there are things you have to do because that is the way the world is. They need to know this before they start high school. If they learn it young, it makes it easier throughout life. When kids reach puberty, their body and mind go through major changes. This is the wrong time to start trying to teach them to do things differently. They already think they know it all. :)

    I hate parents that think that the school system is supposed to teach our children how to behave and how to be good citizens. That is a responsibility for the home. The problem in today's society is as parents, we are so greedy that we forget to think about time with our kids. We need new and better toys which all require more and more work.

    In our house we have one TV so all video games, TV programs are on that TV. We do have a portable DVD player that gets used from time to time.

    We have a rule that to watch TV, you have to watch some educational TV before. Discovery Channel or something similar. It is good to learn something every day.

    I look at the mistakes my parents made and the mistakes I read about in the news everyday and learn from that. My wife and I talk about these things every day. I have modified my work schedule to pick up my kids from school every day and take them to their after school functions which are their choices. The only things they have to take is swimming. It has cost me in some ways but in happiness, it is worth every cent.

  10. No, I got to go in the second false-Sinnoh, however, I was surprised to discover it all white. I travelled around and found what seemed to be Calanave city because of some sprites. I went to north and found the newmoon island, but with the jubilife music, so I stayed here, even if it was white and I saved in the stairs (not to be in a wall).

    Now, when I launch my save, I see nothing (normal) and I hear the 3 first notes of the Jubilife tune and then it freezes. I did not get any problem by the past by travelling in the Mystery Zone (I had everything I need to get out), therefore I'm really stuck. I don't think I have any problem such as yours with Marley.

    I just have an Ar at the moment. Must I buy your NDS adapter to save my savegame? I hope I don't need to. At the moment, changing the location by Ar is making the screen being white and making the game reboot. Can I do something?

    I don't know.

    If everything is white, I almost think you are not in the proper playing area. I don't play. I only help my kids and their friends out with the technical issues. I like helping others.

    One benefit of the NDS adapter is you can save your game and try different things to see if you can get it to work. It provides a backup so you don't make things worse than they presently are. It could be the best $20 you ever spent.

    As for the "False Sinnoh." There is a link that discusses it that I found with a google search for "pokemon second "false Sinnoh". Search for pokemon "false Sinnoh" to learn more.

    You may be able to reset your location with the Action Replay by entering a valid map location. As you used a glitch to get into a bad location. You say you saved in the stairs. This could be the problem. The program doesn't know how to process that information. I am a cautious one. I would prefer to make a backup of my game to ensure that I don't lose everything.

  11. Hello Rinky.

    First, I don't know the whole family situation. I don't know your age other than you are under 18 (possibly in Grade 10). The dynamics of a family are very complicated. In this day and age, families are in major stress factors. Money is tight and in some cases, families are on the verge of losing everything. People are afraid of losing their jobs. I read today about a family that had to move into a mission and could only take the things that they could carry. One child had said to the reporter that he had to throw most of his toys into the garbage.

    I say this as a parent of two children and having gone through the loss of a job and business years ago. The pressure of losing a home and more is very hard to deal with. I say this as a man that felt frustrated and embarrassed about not being able to support my family even though my wife had a good job and made enough money to support our family. Afraid to ask for help and afraid to talk to my wife about the problems and how I was feeling. I do not believe in God or any religion.

    I am no expert and there are no black and white answers. It is like a game and you have to get through the mine field to get the prize. There are many ways through and each one gives you a different level of experience points. Heck that is what life is like growing up and being an adult.

    You state that your father doesn't work. If he lost his job in the past few months he will be feeling the stress. Depending on how he was raised, he could be ripped apart inside. He may be feeling that he has let his family down and cannot support them. He will be feeling useless and worthless. He will also be drinking to dull or lessen the pain. It is called self medication for psychological stress. Search the details on this.

    From the response you say he gave you about calling him gay, tells me even more that he is depressed.

    Now the life lessons are a way of dealing with all the stress without taking it out on his whole family. He may have been brought up that women are weaker and cannot handle stress. He may be taking out all his frustration on you, the only other male in the family. He may be trying to get you ready for something worse than what your family is experiencing now hoping you are stronger. He may be getting you ready to take care of the family.

    With his fear (?) of technology, he sound like he came from an old school family. No love shown between the males in the family. Heck, maybe even between the husband and wife outside the bedroom. Very uptight about many things in life.

    I do agree with others that he is being abusive. He may of had an abusive father that treated him the same way or worse. I did.

    Many families have the father issue punishment. I was raised that way and it seems to be the same in my family from time to time.

    Your grades are pretty good but your father/mother want them better. Better grades open up more doors. Scholarships are a big financial saviour for many wanting to continue in school. Maybe your parents are trying to get your grades to this level. It could just be an excuse to vent out the frustration. Working ahead has led to believe that you are much more capable than your grades are showing. It is hard to work ahead, especially when the home is full of stress. Let your parents know this and that the stress can bring down your grades.

    How to deal with it.

    You seem to have a good relationship with your mother. Show your maturity and talk to her. Get the full story. Try to talk about how the real family situation is going. Find out the facts about her job and the family financial situation. Get the history of your fathers drinking and job situation.

    The risk of losing the house could be a possibility in this financial mess. If you know the truth about the problems, it may lead to a solution to help fix the problem. Most USA families were in a situation that if one member loses their job, the family would have a hard time meeting their financial obligations. Your family could be one of these families.

    Don't press your father because you could push him past the breaking point. Avoidance could be just as bad as fighting. If he feels that there is no way he can get any lower, then he could do something even worse than he already has. Depression is hard to figure out.

    If your family is in a financial situation, try doing something to help out. If you work (And I assume you do), try to buy a bag of groceries or a special treat for the whole family. Pay a bill like the cable or utilities.

    If your family isn't in a financial situation, then you have a bigger problem on your hands. You will have to open a line of communication with your father. Hopefully with your mothers help.

    As a father and I can be pretty strict from time to time. If you did some of the things in this thread and I caught you, you would learn a very big life lesson. If you picked the lock on your Xbox, I would make you destroy it with a sledge hammer.

    I have taken the door off my kids rooms for slamming them.

    I will say it again. Most say your father is evil and that drink is causing the problem. I say that the problem is causing your father to drink which is making it worse. From what you have said, I would say that he is clinically depressed and needs help.

    As for limits playing video games? I understand that. There are so many things to do than play games. And teenagers need more sleep than adults or young children. Their minds are changing at a massive rate. This change requires about 12 hours sleep a night. I limit my children's TV and game play as well as bed times. Even in the summer.

    But I still bought both of them CylcoDS's.

    Please keep us posted.

  12. After having an issue with a game freezing due to a bad save, I have sympathy.

    I am using first person in this but it wasn't my game but a friends. It is just easier on my mind.

    The question is why are you having problems causing the freeze. In the case I was involved with, it was related to having Marley as a partner on Victory Road. It was causing the freeze. It wasn't as simple as moving to a different location because the game said Marley was still accompanying me.

    I had to lose Marley.

    I have an "NDS adapter" so I was able to work on the save file. I tried multiple things but none of them working. I tried moving to a different location on the map but as the game thought Marley was still with me, the game was stuck. None of the normal tools would work because Marley couldn't use them.

    I finally moved my character into a location that I had to move through Marley and saved when I was on Marley. That seemed to be enough to get Marley moved into a location that she wasn't stuck in. Game rescued.

  13. After spending and afternoon trying to rescue a game where Marley became stuck, I would suggest a way to edit any accompanying characters or break the association. If an accompanying character can be moved, it would be useful.

    ---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

    With the growth of Linux it would be nice to be able to run a native Linux application. Pokesav works with Wine on Linux.

    Support for Mac and Linux can be achieved using a cross complier such as QT or MinGW.

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