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Everything posted by MuteNeppytune

  1. @theSLAYER I will gladly take that advice. Being since I'm still new to the concept of ROM hacking, it makes sense to at least test some things. I've been trying to work around the error I keep getting with SDSME. Every time I import a sprite, the software gets an error message, that I can't seem to fix. At this point, I believe it's just my laptop, But' I'll try my best to do what I can, then come back with updates when I get them
  2. Honestly not sure if ROM hacking is still big these days, but I've decided to try and make a ROM hack. And hopefully one that doesn't crash. I've tried making GBA Pokémon ROM hacks, but I'd end up breaking them pretty badly, so I'm hoping I can get some people together to help me out with this. I will be using Pokémon Pearl for the base, and plan on making 2 version, similar to how they're done officially. Right now, I'm on the planning phase, as I want to first make the layout of the new region, as well as naming the region. I'm open to ideas, so if you got some, fire them at me, and I'll see what I think about them. I plan on making a new region, new Pokémon, New legendries, basically changing everything, making it feel like a new game, rather then a ROM hack. I plan on also making new Trainer sprites for the main characters throughout the journey, and maybe some for the trainers, depending on the limitations of what can be done. All in all, I have very limited knowledge of how to do this, so help is more then appreciated Update 1 December 5th, 2019 Not much progress has been made. Only maybe some small pokemon edits, but not much else. SDSME still crashes when trying to import sprites for Trainer Classes, so I'm pretty limited on what I can do at the moment. Maybe in time, when I get a better computer, could I possibly be able to make progress. I'll still get what I can done, to at least have something started to show off.
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