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Posts posted by supersniper

  1. Infractions are usually used to punish a person for not abiding to the forum rules. On many forums (vBulletin) the infraction deducts points from a users rep but because there is no rep system on this forum the infraction points should just accumulate and just have consequences when you reach a certain amount. Like if you get 10 then you are temp banned for a day or so and then 25 temp banned for a week 50 then a month 100 then perma banned... you can adjust the punishments accordingly of course.

  2. You know post count doesn't mean everything and same with user rank...

    I contributed a lot in the past like when the db first came out but you don't see that in my rank (not complaining btw) and same with post count, maybe some people just post a lot and really have nothing to say.

    Personally I think a rep system would be fun to have i mean +rep when it is deserved and -rep when it is deserved. Also if one feels that they were wrongfully + or -repped then they can report it to a moderator and the moderator can adjust accordingly.

    I say it would be a good/fun way to keep the community in a positive spin. Because i'm sure no one here wants -rep by their name...

  3. I have been looking through the Wiki and I have noticed that it's had a good start but I'd love to see this thing take off so I have a suggestion.

    Who here wants to form a sort of mini clan like group that basically dedicates their time to finishing the Wiki?

    Like update current info, add new info, finish certain areas that have been started. Touch it up make it look nice.

    Idk but if anyone is interested I'll add your name to the list and we can get started.

    PS: This will take time and if you lose focus fast... this might be a bit challenging at first.



  4. ... I personally think it would be a HORRIBLE idea because this same thing happened when Halo 2 Vista came out...

    all the pc players were excited halo 2 was coming to pc, around the same time Microsoft made vista. Microsoft made it vista only so people would buy vista. No one bought the game because very few people wanted to pay money to upgrade to vista then pay more money to buy the game (there's more to it but that is just the basics, like the stupid paying to play online and stuff)

    So if what you guys are saying is that Nintendo will make it DSi only, so people will have to pay money to get the DSi, (lose features like Pal Park) then pay more money to buy the game. Then I say that is a horrible idea.

    If Nintendo is any better than Microsoft they will learn from the marketing mistake Microsoft did and make it DS, DS Lite and DSi compatible.

  5. It's not the WPM code because you don't have the calculator that early in the game.

    It's the other one.

    Nature Codes

    Hardy =

    1207404C 00002400

    Lonely +A -D

    1207404C 00002401

    Brave +A -S

    1207404C 00002402

    Adamant +A -SA

    1207404C 00002403

    Naughty +A -SD

    1207404C 00002404

    Bold +D -A

    1207404C 00002405

    Docile =

    1207404C 00002406

    Relaxed +D -S

    1207404C 00002407

    Impish +D -SA

    1207404C 00002408

    Lax +D -SD

    1207404C 00002409

    Timid +S -A

    1207404C 0000240A

    Hasty +S -D

    1207404C 0000240B

    Serious =

    1207404C 0000240C

    Jolly +S -SA

    1207404C 0000240D

    Naive +S -SD

    1207404C 0000240E

    Modest +SA -A

    1207404C 0000240F

    Mild +SA -D

    1207404C 00002410

    Quiet +SA -S

    1207404C 00002411

    Bashful =

    1207404C 00002412

    Rash +SA -SD

    1207404C 00002413

    Calm +SD -A

    1207404C 00002414

    Gentle +SD -D

    1207404C 00002415

    Sassy +SD -S

    1207404C 00002416

    Careful +SD -SA

    1207404C 00002417

    Quirky =

    1207404C 00002418

    Those codes are so when they are enabled any pokemon you encounter will have that nature right? And if that is true then how come it is not working.

  6. Yeah so I'm tired of soft-reseting to get this specific nature because it just doesn't want to show.

    (Starter pokemon chimchar - jolly)

    Anyways I tried the nature code for Jolly but it doesn't work. I keep on getting not jolly. What am I doing wrong.

    I enable the code, then click on the briefcase then pick chimchar then I check his/her stats and it's not jolly.

  7. This site is great but just not complete, yeah db.pokesave was well done, layout was perfect color scheme didn't hurt my eyes but this site has all that plus more, just give it time. you all are just used to the old site.

    one thing i do have a problem with is that you cannot view old news on the main page once it's been bumped off... might want to fix that.

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