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Posts posted by Linz

  1. 9 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Probably. The items that needs to be the same probably remains consistent, regardless of what skin tone you're trying to change to.

    Success! Everything working as intended now! Thank you very much for all your help and patience. Have a good day/night!

    Edit: Kaphotics ended up closing the issue haha

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  2. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Open a save with the intended skin color, and copy over their Lips, Brows, Contacts, Hair over, and it should work.

    I managed to make cloth changing work this way (for a skin tone edited save)1.jpg

    So to clarify, I'm changing from tan to white. So I need to get the lips, brows, hair, and contacts from white and copy over the tan?

  3. 1 minute ago, theSLAYER said:

    yeah, so the issue seems to be only because you changed skin color, but neglected everything else.
    What you're seeing seems to be the game's behaviour, as opposed to a PKHeX issue.

    I'm presently trying to see what else needs to be changed (I tested, and it's not just hair and eye)

    Okay, great to see that it wasn't just me! Is there anything else I can possibly try out? I do not have any experience looking into games and documenting what else should/could be changed to make the skin tone editing more efficient (and thank you very much for all the help thus far!).

  4. 4 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    You'll find this interesting

      Hide contents

    Changing my skin-tone and mom's skin-tone
    1 (2).jpg1 (6).jpg

    As you can see, that works

    Clothing options
    1 (3).jpg1 (7).jpg

    You can can see, that worked too

    Changing clothes
    1 (4).jpg1 (8).jpg
    1 (5).jpg1 (9).jpg

    As you can see, the one that changed skin-tone couldn't change clothes.

    I don't think this is a gender specific issue (even though it wasn't tested on the male save),
    but rather it's an issue with the hair color not being changed as well.

    As you can see, the hair color on the top image and bottom image doesn't match.

    So just to reclarify: you actually were able to import the fashion blocks, just weren't able to change clothes right?

    Try changing clothes in a non-skin edited save.

    Yup, for clarification sake, I cannot change my clothes. The MomSkin edit and fashion blocks work perfectly fine. Changing clothes doesn't work. I tried changing clothes in my backed up save (non-skin edited), and was successful at that. So I'm not sure what is up with changing my clothes in a skin edited save 🤔

  5. Just now, theSLAYER said:

    To change the clothes they wear in the overworld, you have to go into the clothing booth to change the clothes.
    At least you have all the clothes in the booth right?

    I'll be testing a female save soon, hang tight.
    Yeah, that sounds like the procedure I did.

    Yup definitely have all the clothes. I actually did try changing the clothes in the clothing booth to see if it would change in the overworld, still no change unfortunately. A test on a female save would be greatly appreciated!

  6. 9 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Check the spoiler and images below. I'll try going through your problem part by part.
    Maybe this will convince you there isn't any issues with editing those options.

      Hide contents

    1 (5).jpg1 (1).jpg

    My original skin tone vs the modified skin tone.
    As you can see, the skin tone changed.

    I have a hard time imaging this is a gender specific issues, especially when it comes to the following points..

    1 (7).jpg1 (4).jpg
    My mother's original skin tone vs the modified skin tone
    As you can see, the skin tone changed.

    1 (6).jpg1 (2).jpg

    A simple look at fashion, using jackets I have as a basis.
    Unedited fashion block vs edited fasion block.

    3 supposedly issues, and me being able to do all of them, 3 for 3.

    While the first issue *may* be gender specific, the remaining two aren't.
    For now, try only doing the last two, and see if you can get them to work.

    Okay, great to see that this works! So... to follow step by step. I have to:

    1) Export my save file.

    2) Change my skin tone

    3) Change my mother's skin tone

    4) Import the fashion block

    5) Save edits

    6) Import the edited save file.

    Is this exactly what you did? Because I did this exact process and I do seem to have that weird error still. My mother's skin tone changes, I have all of the clothing, but my trainer in the over world is still in the default clothing (and I can't change my clothing/hair/eyes in-game to fix this either, so I'm stuck looking like the default trainer).

  7. 6 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I can't speak for changing skin tone, since I don't edit it,
    but I definitely can speak for fashion block editing.


    I literally just imported it, and checked the clothing, and they are indeed there.

    Try to only import the fashion block, and see if the change it there.
    Then export the save with PKHeX, and import the save into your game with a save manager.
    If not, you're clearly doing something wrong.

    If that worked, now try to do the same steps, except now with skin tone changing. Just change one for now.
    See if that works.

    Yeah I've used the fashion block editing before and can definitely confirm that I do that right. The problem on my end is that my character in the over world seems to be wearing the default clothing whereas when I walk into thee dressing room in the video... I'm wearing the ultra ball tee + other clothing and have different hair. Unless you're suggesting that I try the fashion block on my already edited skin tone file?

  8. Hello. I've been having issues with changing my skin tone in Sword and Shield.

    I have been following this post and it actually has been successful in terms of changing skin tone.

    My specific problem: I cannot do trainer customization. For both clothing and hair.

    To list everything I have done:

    1) I changed from tan female to white female, so nothing wrong with that in terms of gender specific clothing.

    2) I changed my mother's skin tone to match mine in case that had to do with anything. Same problems.

    3) I have used the fashion blocks on these forums in case it had anything to do with the clothing, still no luck.

    So... with all the detail I have provided... is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks!

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